Chapter nine

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Third pov
Cullen house

Demitri slammed the mind reader against the wall, his hand around his neck. "Give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you right now." The words came out like a low growl. He was furious at them for their behavior and the attitude the boy had just pissed him off more.

Carlisle tried to get him to let go of his son. "Please, I'm sure we can talk about it and find a solution."

Demitri's glare turned to him. "You want to talk? You want to TALK? You and your whole fucking family deliberately chose not to call us when OUR MATE was turning, and after that you tried forcing your unnatural lifestyle onto her. It's ben three days, THREE DAYS since she woke up and she hasn't been feed once! And not only that, those fucking wolves have started trying to hunt her down too and all this because you were too fucking stupid not to kill a pair of mates." While he was talking he had slowly pressed on Edward's neck, cracks began showing and spreading along his face.

"You kill one mate, you have to kill the other one too. You if anyone should know that, or did the animal blood fry your brain cells?" Carlisle winced at the jab. Demitri turned to Jane and Alec. "I want you two to keep these idiots in check while we make a phone call. It's time Aro gets to know what his old friend is willing to do to one of our future family members." Felix looked at Carlisle, barely containing his rage. "If any of you leave we will find you."

Once outside and after the phone call they collected themselves. "We've got our orders. Locate our mate and bring her and the Cullens back to Italy, and we're to bring Edward's mate too." Felix grumbled. "What do we do when we find her?" He got a grin in return. "We feed her."

Cecilia pov

After three days in the woods my clothes didn't look too good.

My shirt is dirty and the rips in the back go down to my pants, my pants are ripped and dirty and my boots are barely holding on. The necklace I'd been wearing had been destroyed in my encounter with those dogs. The burning in my throat is making my short temper even shorter.

I stop in a clearing in the middle of the woods. It's been a while since i ran into either a Cullen or a wolf but i still don't feel like i can relax. I tense up as i hear someone running towards the clearing.

I turn to the directon the sound came from and prepared to fight.

Third pov

Felix could barely believe his eyes when he saw the condition his mate was in. Her hair was tangled and dirty, her clothes ripped but what made his anger boil up again was the three claw marks going from her back to the front of her thigh. Her eyes were pitch black and she was growling and hissing at him. He doubted she could think clearly at the moment.

Slowly he crouched down and took a submissive position, showing her that she had control right now. "Cecilia, it's me, Felix. I'm here to help you."

It took a few minutes but she stopped growling and hissing. "Felix?"

He gave her a genuine smile. "Yes, can i get up again?" He waited patiently for her to answer, when she did he got up slowly and walked a little closer to her. "How do you feel?" He asked softly. "It burns."

Cecilia pov

My hand goes to my throat. "I'm really thirsty." He nods slowly in understanding.

Footsteps can be heard from the other side of the clearing. I take cover behind Felix. He let's me hide behind him and wraps an arm around me protectively. "It's okay, it's just Demitri. He's got food for you."

Demitri carried an unconscious human and felt venom pool in my mouth. Demitri laid the human down a few steps away from where i was hiding behind Felix. He smiled softly at he. "Come on darling, you need to eat."

I sit down and grip the human as i bite her. The warm blood feels like heaven running down my throat. Felix gently moves me so i sit between his legs with my back to his chest while Demitri stays on guard.

All too soon the lifeless body is empty and i growl in frustration. "We'll get you more once we're in Italy again." Demitri assured me as he disposed of the body. I guess it's time to leave Forks.

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