Chapter 3.1

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Wednesday, 2:41 pm

How many sane humans on this world would sit on the same spot for hours?

How many insane humans on this world would sit on the same spot for hours?

And how many would spend six hours on the same bench, counting and waiting for the girl they have been madly in love with?

These questions cannot be answered but one thing was certain. He had waited for six hours for your return.

His eyes were glued to the gates of the building you had entered, his lips silently counting every second of your absence.

He was mad. Scarier than any serial killer. The worst of every psychopath.

And there he was, sitting on a bench in front of your school and waiting for you to step out.

Out of all the girls he could have chosen, his eyes preyed on you. You were his target, your name was lingering on his mind.

It was you, how unfortunate.

The school bells had rung and lots of student were leaving the building. There was a thought that he might not see you, that you might go missing in the crowd.

But that didn't stop him from what he was doing, his eyes staring at every face until he would spot yours. The only face, the only beautiful features he was seeking for.



His eyes fell upon you, your body leaving through the doors and walking towards the gates of your school.

He stopped counting and slowly raised his body from the bench, he needed to keep a safe distance from you after all.

All the pleasure and joy vanished, once he saw the same guy next to you. Your hand in his, your eyes looking at him.

He tightened his fists, clenching his jaw as he observed the painful and frustrating view before him.

He was jealous, he was greedy and he was displeased.

You belonged to him. Only he was allowed to touch you and make your smile. Only he could give you every girl's satisfaction.

As soon as you and Jimin had left the gates, he began following you two secretly.

He had his hood up and his hands in the holes of his black sweater, his head hanging low but enough for him to see you two.

You two entered a parking lot and stopped before a black car.

This was were he had to stop and hide, watching you two entering the car and driving off into the street.

He cursed as he hurried to the street, watching the black car driving into the distance.

But just like it happened in every movie he had seen before, he noticed a taxi and quickly stopped it.

"Follow that black car", he ordered the driver as he entered the yellow vehicle.

Even though the taxi driver quickly complied, Jungkook could see his growing suspicion.

Jungkook was smart and careful, he knew what he had to do in order to seem like a normal citizen.

He was sitting behind the passenger seat, putting on his seat belt as he noticed the staring eyes from the rearview mirror.

He then put down his hood, revealing his face to the driver which was a clear sign of 'I am not trying to hide myself'.

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