❝life is funny like that, i guess❞

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Will/Pizza boy | Louise


"Hey, is this Will?"

"Uh...yes? Who is this again?"

"Louise, you moron! Harper's friend. From the helpline. Remember?"

"Oh, yes, right! Sorry, I didn't expect you to call me on my personal phone."

"Dude, we've talked multiple times already. I'm kinda offended you don't recognize my voice yet."

"No offense, Louise, but you don't exactly have a very distinguishable voice."

"Ouch! What do you mean?"

"I mean...whatever, never mind. What's up?"

"No, no, finish your thought, you coward. What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying that you kind of have the voice of a Walmart employee."

"Is that...a good thing?"

"Well, take it any way you want."

"Right...sure...Anyways, as for the reason I'm calling. It's about Harper."

"Harper? Is she back at the helpline?"

"Well, no, unfortunately."

"Oh. Then what's up?"

"She wants to meet you. In person."

"Like...a date?"

"No! A meeting! Geez!"

"Sorry, sorry, I was just...wow. That's um...really surprising. Are you sure she wants to meet me?"

"Of course! Why would I lie? Is that something that Walmart employees do?"

"I mean, I have had some bad experiences with some shady Walmart people, but that's besides the point. She wants to see me? When? How? Where does she even live?"

"Where do you live, first of all?"

"Uh...Newport. Rhode Island."

"Wait -- are you serious? We're actually not that far from you. We're in Boston."

"Boston...that's like, what? A one hour drive?"

"Something like that. Holy crap. I actually thought you were going to be located in California or something. Harper was right after all."

"Wait, Harper was right about what?"

"She told me that she had this weird gut feeling that you were going to be close to where we were living...and she was right. Huh. Life is funny like that, I guess."

"So...what do you want me to do?"

"Come down to Boston? If that's alright with you."

"Yeah! Yeah, um, sure. I can come. Where should I meet you guys?"

"I'll text you the location. Guess Harper and I will be seeing you soon, pizza boy."

"Tell Harper I'm excited to see her!"

"Trust me, Will. I think she already knows."


I'm so sorry for this super late update. Life got into the way of my posting schedule again and I had to deal with that first. With that said, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! The next will be about Harper and Will (and Louise) finally meeting. Ahhh I'm so excited to write it, lol!

Thank you for your love and support!
- Evie

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