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~ The Arrival ~


Jaenys wasn't sure what to expect when he heard that the mother of dragons had arrived at their shores, but as he followed Kraznys and Missandei down to the docks, he couldn't help but feel excited. Nothing exciting ever happened in Slavers Bay, and the arrival of the mother of dragons and the hoard of Dothraki that followed her was just what they needed. Life was so dull, their schedules were so regimented and their hours were so long that they never got to see anything that the Masters didn't want - but today was different.

Instead of the usual dreary atmosphere that surrounded Astapor, everything seemed brighter and more cheerful than usual. The sun rose high in the blue and cloudless sky, its intense rays of sunshine beat down on the colourless walls of stone that the slaves built, giving it the much-needed flashes of colour that everyone wanted.

Walking down the streets of Astapor and seeing every inch of them littered with the sad faces of the slaves forced to work at this hour, reminded Jaenys of how lucky he was and how desperately things needed to change, not just for his sake, but the purpose of everyone's lives affected. Even though he is a slave and forced to do the Masters bidding, he got treated a lot better than the majority that populated the cruel city.

Kraznys had ordered Missandei and Jaenys to accompany him when meeting the mother of dragons, and to translate for him - no one who visited seemed to speak High Valyrian anymore - and Missandei and Jaenys were the best translators on the island. They were both fluent in nineteen languages and were paramount in making the deal stick. Kraznys secretly invited Jaenys to act as his form of protection against the upcoming visitors, but Jaenys wasn't there to protect him; he was there to protect Missandei.

It was no secret that Missandei was one of the most - if not, the most - attractive person in Astapor. She had not only been graced with a gifted mind, but with good looks and an even kinder heart but unfortunately for her, the Masters of Astapor just saw her as an object; one that they could use when they wanted to. Their lingering eyes watched her like a piece of meat and Jaenys hated it.

Since day one, Jaenys and Missandei formed a special bond, a bond that could survive the excessive amount of torture that they both underwent, and nothing could come between the two. When no one was looking, they'd often help each other carry out the others' chores, and sometimes, Jaenys would take the punishment in her, or the younger slaves, place.

The three of them walked down to the docks in complete silence - Missandei and Jaenys were not permitted to speak - but it was evident from Kraznys' movements that he was anxious to meet the mother of dragons. No one knew what to expect, or what she wanted, but the two slaves felt something in the atmosphere of Astapor that they had never witnessed before - fear.

Jaenys wasn't sure if the fear originated from the growing reputation that the mother of dragons was building or the hoard of Dothraki that was about to dock, but the sight was refreshing to his eyes. Too many times before, Kraznys and the Masters inflicted pain and suffering onto the innocent, expecting nothing but respect from those they hurt. But now the tables have turned, and Jaenys was thoroughly enjoying it.

Karznys quickly composed himself as the ship containing the mother of dragons and the Dothraki docked. The smell of shit, vomit and piss originated from the deck, evident that the Dothraki were not used to sailing, but that didn't make them look any less intimidating - their stern features bore into the eyes of Missandei, Jaenys and Kraznys.

Among the group of large, muscular men, stood a small woman with long platinum blonde hair that cascaded past her shoulders and ended in the creases of her back; so bright that it reflected the sun. She walked towards the three of them with a sense of pride and power, but it was apparent that she held lots of love for her people.

Flying around the masts of the ship was the creatures that everyone was most curious to see - the dragons. Even as infants, they could scare and intimidate with a simple flick of their wings, sending grown men into a panic as they flew overhead.

In all Jaenys' life, he never imagined that he would be standing face to face with a Targaryen or her dragons; he would have merely laughed in your face and told you to stop telling lies, but now Jaenys stood before them both.

Kraznys said no words to Daenerys as she approached him; he only walked off, signalling her to follow him up the streets of Astapor. Missandei, closely followed by Jaenys, walked behind the two as Kraznys spoke in Valyrian and Missandei translated. As Kraznys talked at her, Daenerys looked around at her surroundings, watching the people walk by with a look of sadness on her face.

Jaenys found that he could only focus on Daenerys as she walked in front of him. Everything about her fascinated him; she was beautiful beyond words, and yet, she didn't use it against anyone. Her blue eyes that perfectly complemented her dress held a kindness that Jaenys had never witnessed before, but they also held a hidden sadness, one full of pain and suffering.

Questions ran through his mind as he followed quietly: how could she be the last Targaryen? What happened to her family? What happened to make her eyes so sad? What happened to her specifically? How could she be the mother of dragons?

The last he had heard about the dragons was that they had all died out years ago, but growing up in Astapor without a scrap of news about the comings and goings of Westeros made it increasingly challenging follow. The only reports and stories of the outside world that Jaenys got were when a foreign visitor came and preached about how successful the inside workings of their counsels are.

But as Jaenys followed behind them, mulling over all the questions in his mind, using his imagination to create Daenerys' backstory, he felt something. He felt like there was hope.  For the first time in many years, Jaenys was formulating a plan; a plan to get him and Missandei off of this awful island where no one cared, and Jaenys had a feeling that the newly arrived mother of dragons is what they needed.


Back with another chapter! Initially, this chapter was going to be a lot different, but I decided that this was a lot better.

Also, like before, not 100% happy with how it turned out but I never am so here's the chapter anyway!


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