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November 1st 1981

On a street called Privet Drive Albus Dumbledore stood removing the light from the lamps. A cat meowed beside him making him look down to the tabby cat, "I should have known that you would be here...Professor McGonagall." The cat meowed again and transformed into a human form.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumours true, Albus?" McGonagall asked.

"I'm afraid so, Professor. The good, and the bad."

"And the children?"

"Hagrid is bringing them."

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?"

"Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life."

The two professors looked up to the sound of a motorbike flying down to ground level. Hagrid took off his goggles and stepped off the bike. "Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Professor McGonagall," he said

"No problems, I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Heh. Try not to wake him. She's been awake the entire time though. There you go," he replied, handing over a small boy and a slightly older girl as they stopped outside a house.

"Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving them with these people? I've been watching them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are...." McGonagall argued.

"The only family they have," Dumbledore interrupted.

"These children will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names, especially the boy," McGonagall continued.

"Exactly. They're better off growing up away from all that. Until they are ready."

Hagrid coughed and sniffled before clearing his throat. "There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all," Dumbledore comforted.

Hagrid nodded. Dumbledore took a letter and placed it with the children, who are now at the foot of the door. The young boy has a visible lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

"Good luck...Harry and Hope Potter."

November 2nd 1981

"Mama? Where Dada?" a two year old girl asked. Her mother glanced softly at her daughter wondering what she's going to tell her, she took her daughter in her arms and carried her over to the couch. She sat her down on her knee as a stray tear slipped out of her eye.

"Dada did something bad, so he has to go away for a while," she explained, even though she's too young to understand. The small girl looked up to her mother with an almost blank expression and nodded her head.

"Astrid," a male voice called from the doorway. Astrid looked to the door to see one of her best friends smiling sadly at her. She stood putting her daughter down to play and headed to her friend. They both walk into the next room where Astrid is instantly pulled into a hug. She sniffles and lets more tears fall. "Will you be okay?"

She sighed, will she be okay? Eventually, maybe. "I don't know," she replied wiping her tears. "Dumbledore said he's coming to see me tonight."

"I'm sure you'll be okay eventually," he said reassuringly. "I have to go," he added sadly.

"Good luck Remus," she states as he walks out the door and disappears. Not long after his visit Albus Dumbledore shows up in her living room. "Professor," she said quietly as she pulls a blanket over her now sleeping daughter, Cassandra. The two adults walk into the next room as to not wake Cassandra.

"How are you?" he asked when they reach the other room.

She sighed sadly before replying, "I guess I'm okay." She poured herself a glass of fire whiskey after Dumbledore refused some. "Harry? Hope?" she asked curious to know about her god children's well being.

"They were dropped of safely with their aunt and uncle," he told her which causes her to grimace in disgust knowing what Petunia and Vernon were like.

"Are you sure that was a wise decision?"

"There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names, especially Harry's, which is why it's better they grow up away from our world," he replied. Astrid can't help but slightly agree and disagree at the same time. Petunia and Vernon are the worst muggles out there but if she were to take them and raise them like she so desperately wants to then they wouldn't get a moments peace. She nodded hesitantly agreeing with him.

"So, what can I do for you?" Astrid asked politely.

"I would like to offer you a job. I believe that the students would benefit from having someone to talk to. Someone who is not a teacher, just someone who they can go to with problems or if they are in need of a friend. I think you would be perfect for the position," he replied. Astrid sighed thinking about the offer, she does need a job now anyway.

After a moment she replied, "I'll do it." Dumbledore smiled kindly at her before pulling out an envelope and putting it on the table.

"Before I forget. The ministry asked that I deliver this to you." She picked up the envelope and opens it, inside was a series of documents. Dumbledore raises his eyebrows as if to ask what was inside. "I'm going back to using my maiden name and changing Cassandra's last name. The last name 'Black' isn't really liked that much, especially now," she told him quietly.

He hummed in agreement, "I look forward to seeing you at the start of the school year, Ms Evergreen." Astrid smiled at the use of her maiden name. "You too, professor." Dumbledore apperates from the room leaving Astrid to sign the documents before sending them away with her owl, Maia.

Soon her peaceful silence is interrupted by someone knocking at the door. "Now what?" she complained. She headed to the door, keeping her wand close by out of habit, and opened the door to see her brother. "Magnus? What are you doing here?" she asked surprised by his visit.

"Dad wants Mums necklace back," he spat out in an emotionless tone.

She scoffed bitterly in return, "and let me guess. He's too ashamed to be seen with the traitors wife?" Before he can reply Astrid pulled the necklace from her neck and dropped it harshly into her brother's hand. "Now leave. Both you and Dad can stay away from me and Cassandra, I don't want to see you around here again."

For a brief second guilt flashed over his eyes but it's gone not even a second later. "I warned you, I told you he was no good," he sneered. Astrid's jaw clenches.

"Get out!"

Magnus rolls his eyes and leaves. As soon as he's gone Astrid slides down the door with tears flowing down her cheeks. 'Why would he do this?' she thought, 'he was their best friend'. And now she had been left alone with her daughter and only one of her friends.

On October 31st 1981, Astrid Black had been left devastated. She had lost two of her best friends and her husband all in one night. Sirius Black's betrayal had been the lowest blow she had felt, her own husband had betrayed her, the order, James and Lily and, of course, her old friend Peter Pettigrew. His betrayal caused a string of problems for her in the aftermath. Her own father wouldn't dare even look at her anymore, her brother too. People hated her for being married to him. Some even thought she knew what he was going to do. Though she had to get through this, for her daughter's sake. 

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