Zianourry- Iron Man

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Niall was sitting half on Zayn's lap with Harry next to him, Louis on the floor between Harry's legs while Liam had his head on Harry's other shoulder and a hand on his thigh.

They were watching Iron Man 2 for the third time in two weeks and Niall was bored out of his mind. By the time Black Widow was being interviewed Niall had turned in Zayn's lap and started kissing his neck. Zayn pointedly ignored him. But by the time Ivan made Stark crash his Formula 1 car Niall was blatantly grinding down on Zayn and making needy noises in his ear.

"Niall, quit," Zayn whispered.

"But I'm bored. And I want you," Niall whined in the dark-skinned boy's ear.

"Seriously, Niall, after the movie." Zayn gently pushed Niall off his lap and in between him and Harry.

Then Niall got a better idea. Why try and make a stubborn Zayn do what he wanted when a much more eager-to-please Harry was right there? Niall slung a leg over Harry's thigh, toes under his far knee and his own knee by Harry's ribs. He scooted close and leaned into Harry's hair. "I'm horny," Niall admitted.

Harry rubbed Niall's arm on his chest and smiled. "What do you want, sweetheart?"

"You. And Zayn. All of you."

Harry stiffened a little. "All of us?" He whispered disbelieving.

Niall nodded and hummed. "All five of us. Together. Please."

Harry shifted under Niall which caused Liam to raise his head and see what was disturbing the movie. When he looked at the pair he saw Niall biting at Harry's neck and Harry had his head thrown back on the couch.

"Hey," Liam whispered, "No fair."

Niall laughed quietly and leaned across Harry to kiss Liam's lips. Liam took the kiss happily and slid a hand around Niall's waist and pulled them closer over Harry. Harry groaned when Niall's leg moved against his bulge. Zayn, who was still trying to ignore his boyfriends, finally glanced over to tell them off. But instead he saw Harry looking straight at him with his lips parted and lids hooded.

"Zayn," Harry breathed.

"Shit," Zayn couldn't help but choke out.

Liam pulled Niall until he was properly straddling Harry and Niall accidentally kicked Louis in the back of the head.

"Oi!" Louis complained and rubbed the back of his head. When he turned around his annoyance died out instantly.

Liam slid off the couch and onto the floor in front of Louis. "Sorry, Lou," Liam apologized and kissed Louis softly.

Louis pulled back, albeit reluctantly, and looked up to where Zayn had shuffled over on the couch to Harry and had his collarbone between his teeth. Niall still had Harry's lips captured and Harry was moaning into Niall's mouth from all the attention.

"Since when? I thought we were watching a movie," Louis said, confused.

Liam chuckled and stood up. "I don't know, but I'm going with it." He offered Louis his hand and helped him up.

Louis kissed Zayn's shoulder and got his attention. "How about we head to the bedroom?"

Zayn nodded in agreement and stood up from the couch. He wrapped an arm around Louis and kissed his cheek, jaw, chin, then lips. Liam teased the skin right behind Niall's ear, knowing he'd get his full attention, and suggested he and Harry join them. The five of them made their way to one of the four bedrooms all the boys shared. They didn't have separate rooms so much as they slept with whomever they chose every night.

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