Zarry - Reality

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Here's to one of my first Twitter followers! Thanks for the support!

Zayn had charcoal all over his hands. And face. Doing art is dirty work. Harry had requested a new Zayn original to hang in his bunk and Zayn was slaving over it, trying to get it perfect. He spent too long just trying to get an idea of what to draw. Harry told him it didn't matter really, that whatever it was he would love it. But Zayn needed this to be perfect. He wanted to show Harry everything he'd been thinking and feeling for ever with this one picture.

Harry had no idea. You'd think he'd catch on, what with the never-ending stares and near constant flirting. But Harry was never one to see what was right in front of him. And Zayn had waited long enough. He was about to make it so obvious that Harry couldn't ignore it.

Zayn wondered if Harry even realized that he flirted back. That he made Zayn dizzy and hard, often as the same time. He talked to Zayn differently than he talked to the other boys. He spent so much time investing in Zayn's happiness, Zayn just wanted to return the favor. He wanted to give Harry the lifelong happiness he deserved.

"I'm not looking I promise," Harry giggled as he came into their shared hotel room with his eyes closed.

Zayn quickly covered the drawing with his notebook and scoffed. "Harry open your eyes. You can barely walked safely with them open," he teased.

Harry uncovered his eyes with a drawn out Heeeeey and a smile. Zayn could drown in that smile. Harry came up behind Zayn's chair and wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck. He pushed his nose into Zayn's hair and said, "I'm sure it's amazing. How can it not be? Look at who's making it?"

Zayn flushed and leaned back into Harry's hold. "I'm nervous for it."

Harry made an unimpressed sound, "Are you kidding? Sometimes I wonder if you even know how talented you are, Zee?"

Zayn couldn't help but wonder about all the things Harry didn't know. Did he realize that he was brighter than the sun, that he was more calming than the moon, that he was more inspiring than the stars? Zayn couldn't help the overwhelming need to create beauty because of Harry's presence.

"I'm guessing I can't see it," Harry asked, still wrapped around Zayn.

Zayn shook his head just enough for Harry to feel it. He brought a hand up to run across Harry's arm. "No, but if you'd like we can do something else?"

Harry let go of Zayn and came around to face him, smiling blinding. "Like what?"

"Whatever you want?" Zayn appeased easily. "We don't have any more promo until day after next and the weather's nice."

Harry chewed his lip in contemplation. "Do we have to go outside?"

Zayn shook his head easily, "Nope. Whatever you want, Hazza."

"Okay, because I sort of already got is a movie and ordered room service and it'll be here any minute," Harry rushed out.

Zayn couldn't help the fond laugh he produced, drowning in adoration for this charming boy. "What movie?"

Harry kept his gaze everywhere but Zayn when he mumbled, "thatnewnicholassparkswiththesappyendingmaybe."

Zayn's laugh got louder and he stood up and put a hand on Harry's cheek, "You are too cliché for you're own good."

Harry leaned into Zayn's touch and let his eyes fall shut for a second. "You love it."

"That I do," he promised. He dropped his hand from Harry's face and grabbed all his stuff to put it away. Harry jumped when the doorbell rang and ran to get it. The attendant brought in a try full of dishes. Everything from chicken and veggies to fish and chips to chocolate strawberries and other desserts.

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