Nouis - Not A Joke

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"I'll do it, Lou!" Niall volunteered.

"See? I can always count on Nialler," Louis beamed. "The rest of you? I'm disappointed."

"Whatever, Tommo. Just don't make too big of a mess," Liam warned.

The other boys walked out without so much as a glance over their shoulders. They refused to be a part of this particular prank, considering they'd just got ripped a new one two days ago for a big one.

Louis threw his arm around Niall's waist and brought him close with a smirk on his face. "Ready to do this?"

Niall smiled wide and nodded. "Sure, Lou. Whatever you say."

"Great," Louis chirped. He led Niall, hand still around his waist to a few bags on the table. "I'll do the hard part. You're my escape plan, okay? You can't forget about me, got it?"

"I wouldn't."

Louis' lips turned up, but he didn't look back at Niall. "I know, love."

Twenty minutes later, Louis had two coke bottle bombs in each hand. Niall was biting his lip nervously. "I don't know, Lou. Maybe we shouldn't."

"Hey," Louis leaned in to get Niall to look up at him. "It'll be fun. And no one will know you were involved. I'd never rat on you." Niall was still chewing on his now red lip. Louis couldn't help but glance at it. "Trust me," he said and gave Niall's cheek a quick kiss.

Now Niall's cheeks matched the color of his lips. Louis sort of wanted to kiss them again. But instead he swayed off, back to the table, to put the leftover stuff back in the bags. Niall didn't come help. He didn't move at all, so far as Louis could tell, the whole time he cleaned up. When he turned back Niall was gone.

Well that was just rude. Louis need Niall as a wing man. Hold the other bottles while he strategically opened each one on unsuspecting victims. Then have the golf cart ready when he was done. Speedy exit. Louis put the bottles in his bag so no one would find them and went looking for him. He checked the band's dressing room. The extra one for the crew. The catering room. He was sure he'd find him there but didn't.


Louis opened the door just enough to look both ways and make sure there were no fans around. He'd pretty much abandoned the prank by now, too worried about where Niall had gotten off to. When he saw the coast was clear he made a mad dash for the gate to the back parking lot where the buses were. Halfway there he heard it: High-pitched screams.

"Shit." He ran faster, ripped open the gate, and closed it behind him while a mass of girls with wild faces stormed towards him. He waved behind him with a small smile before heading off to the band bus.

He opened the door and climbed up the steps with quiet a, "Ni?" No response. He moved down the bus, checking Niall's bunk and then his own just in case, but got nothing.

He let his forehead fall the edge of the bunk in frustration just when he heard a small Louis!. Louis' head popped up. Was that Niall's voice? It sounded like him but weird. He slid open the door to the lounge and froze. "Shit, Louis!" Niall screamed and grabbed his jeans to cover himself.

"Were you?"

Niall shook his head. "No I wasn't. I wasn't."

Louis face slowly turned from shocked to amused. "You were! You were wanking to me!"

Niall pressed his jeans down harder on his still hard cock. "I swear-I didn't-" He let his head fall back to the couch. "I'm sorry."

Louis closed the space between them and sat down gently on Niall's lap. "Don't be. I was wondering when you were finally going to tell me. But I guess now you don't have a choice," he giggled.

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