Larry - Pretty in Orange

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This is a personalized one shot for a reader on AO3 who guessed a real life Larry reference in my fic For God and Country! Enjoy! Xoxo

"Harold, do not touch." Louis smacked Harry's hand away while they were getting dressed for the day of promo. Louis was just sliding on a tight pair of jeans, that Caroline sent over, over a pair of orange lace panties. Harry was basically on his knees begging to touch Louis in them, but the blue-eyed boy was being persistent that they were already late and had to go.

"Please, Lou, just lemme play for one minute."

"What, so you can come in the pants you're supposed to wear all day? No, sir."

Harry groaned and fell back on the bed while Louis finished getting ready. They left the hotel room with the other boys and hopped in a car. Well everyone else hopped, Harry muddled around very slowly so his painful erection wouldn't rub any more than necessary against his too tight jeans.

The interviews were long, but one in particular seemed to last a hundred years. They'd separated the boys to get more done; Louis was with Niall and Zayn while Harry sat with Liam. They did a wardrobe change halfway through to break up the monotony and Louis had been rather cavalier, if not proud, of his choice in under garment.

All the boys did a double take, but tried not to stare. It was a rare occasion that Louis wore his panties out in public, unlike Harry who paraded them around like trophies. So when Louis dawned a pair it was a really good day. Harry was less conspicuous about his staring. He attacked Louis' neck while his fingers dug into the firm, warm flesh through the material. He rolled his hips, still clothed in jeans, into Louis' mostly naked ones, making both of them groan.

"Harry! No marks, I'm not redoing his makeup," Lou called from where she was powdering Niall's face.

"Yeah, Harry, you heard her," Louis teased and pulled back. He grabbed his jeans and threw them on.

Now Harry was aching and sitting on a couch talking about something not as important as Louis in panties. He took to being extra cheeky on accident when he was flustered. They were doing some sort of fake dating game and Harry was flirting with the interviewer just so he could get some of his pent up tension out.

"What four favorite traits do you look for in a lady?"

Harry's thoughts understandably went back to the way Louis' ass looked snuggled in those panties, better than any girl he'd ever seen.

"Well, female. That's a good trait," Liam supplied.

Harry scoffed and added, "Not that important," without thinking.


They stood up from the interview and went to get their tea or water or coffee that was waiting and Liam gave him a clap on the back, "Not that important? Brave move, Styles," and walked away.

Harry scrunched his face up in confusion. He didn't even mean to say it. But when Louis looked that good, being a girl wasn't really necessary. Was it a big deal? Management was going to have an aneurism.

Louis came sauntering up to Harry with a big grin. "How was it? Miss me?"

Harry pulled him close, "You have no idea," and rocked into him to remind him he was still hard.

"You should try not to get so turned on in public, Harry. It's bad for our image," Louis smirked and walked away for the round of interviews with all the boys.

"Yeah, okay," Harry called after him. "I just won't get so turned on when my fit as fuck boyfriend wears lace panties."

Louis just sent back a cheeky smile and a wink while everyone around the studio stared at Harry with open mouthes. Harry put his hands up and mumbled an apology before joining the others on the couches.

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