Guess Who's Back! {{Jamilton}}

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Warnings: None really. Slight Cussing, I guess can be one
Estimated 1128~ words; excluding A/N
Video up above is the one I was heavily inspired by to do this oneshot. It's not completely Jamilton but I'm counting it. This Hamilton Gravity Falls Au is made by irenehamilham & on Instagram

click click click click click
click click click click

That was all you could hear in the night as Alexander Hamilton was typing away on the roof of the Shack. He had been trying to crack this code on this god damn laptop all day, yet every time he entered an attempted password, his results were a red screen along with a buzzer sound.

Gravity Falls

He was met with yet another red screen and a buzzer sound. He groaned in frustration seeing as how that wasn't the password either.

"I can't take that sound anymore!" Hamilton said with frustration clear in his tone. "I. Hate. You. Sound"! With every pause, he slammed his fist down onto the keyboard. A yawn was released from his mouth as he turned his gaze back to the now green screen. "There's got to be some sort of clue or short cut..." Alex pondered, his own hand being brought up to his eyes, rubbing the sleep away the best that he could. "Who would know about secret codes"?

Just then, a chilly breezy blew by. A few leaves being carried along with the wind as they brushed past Alexander's face and disappeared behind him. Alexander held onto his little green vest jacket as well as his hat as he glimpsed around at his surroundings. He stood up with the computer tucked under his arm, the moon shining nicely behind him. Then the moon shined its light particularly bright on the individual human. Alexander let his eyes widened, turning to face the moon as the breeze blew harder, him gripping the computer even more as he got his stance in a readying position. A figure appeared in replace of the moon. From the magenta suit, black curly hair with a little yellow/gold in the front, and the little hat floating upon his head, Alexander could automatically tell who it was.

"I think I know a guy"!

The breeze finally came to stop. The surrounding scenery became different shades of black, grey, and white. Jefferson twirled his cane as he leaned slightly closer to Alexander, a smile tugging at his lips. "Well well well, you're awfully persistent, Sweet-Quill~. Hats off to you"! Jefferson took off his hat and tipped it down, then put it back upon the top of his kinky black curls. Alexander pointed an accusing finger in the direction of the magenta wearing figure. 

"You again"! He exclaimed, still pointing the finger.

"It's rude to point ya know. And come on, didn't you miss me? Admit it, you missed me"! Jefferson smirked with a slight wiggle of his eyebrows. This caused Alexander to shift his weight from side to side in embarrassment. To be honest, he couldn't tell if he missed Thomas. And no, that is not because of a crush that he may or may not have on Tho- Jefferson! Fuck! Even then, he took a defensive stance and pointed his finger right back at him.

"Hardly! You tried to destroy my uncle's mind, you purple suit wearing asshole"!

"Okay first of all, this is magenta, not purple. And come on, it was just a job! No hard feelings, right? Right. Now I've been keeping an...eye on you," Jefferson moved to Alexander's left side leaning forward slightly on his cane. "Since then. And I must say that I'm impressed" he finished. Alexander let his eyebrow raise in confusion as a light blush dusted his cheeks. Why would he be impressed? He wasn't complaining but he was definitley curious. "Wait, really"? Jefferson nodded then tapped his chin with his index finger as if to ponder something. "You deserve a reward...". Then he rose the finger in the air, an invisible light bulb appearing above his head. "Here, have a republican that's always screaming"! With a clap of his hands, a random republican appeared out of thin air and fell to the feet of Alexander. It screamed for no apparent reason and was already starting to annoy the hell out of him. Luckily it cut off when it faded off into the air.

Jefferson chuckled and plopped down on the roof of the shack, standing with a smirk, then spoke. "The point is I like you, Sweet-Quill~". And before Alexander could even retort, Jefferson extended his arm out and brought Alexander close to his side. "How's about you let me give you a hint, huh? I only ask for a small..." As he said his next word , Jefferson's non eye-patched eye glowed yellow as the tone of his voice grew deep and echoey. " return". The tone of his voice went to normal with the last two words.

Alexander shook his head as he gripped the computer even more, pointing yet another accusing finger at the demon. "I'd never do a favour for you! Remember who defeated you last time"! He looked puzzled however when Jefferson was no longer in front of him. He jumped when he felt a presence behind him as well as Jefferson's smooth voice speak.

"Riiiiiiight, you, "defeated me"". Alexander noticed the obvious quotations Thomas put around the words 'defeated me'. He expected the man to continue pestering him about it but was surprised to hear him sigh heavily instead. A part of him felt slightly bad when he heard that. Slightly.

Jefferson took a few steps forward and leaned forward a bit, putting a finger under Alexander's chin and raising his head so their eyes would meet. A smirk grazed his lips. Alexander felt a blush appear on his face, eyes partly widening.

"Well if you ever change your mind, I'll be here for you, Sweet-Quill~. Ready to make a deal". Alexander internally groaned at the nickname. He honestly disliked it but the man persisted and continued to call him it. As Alexander was thinking of what to say as a response, Jefferson stepped back with a wide grin.

"Hey! Wanna hear my impression of you in about 3 seconds? AHHHHHHHHHHHH"! Jefferson shouted then a bright light flashed as the world went white

Alexander's head shot up as he shouted "AHHHHHHHHHHHH"! He looked around with a squint in his eyes. The sun had now risen and the sky revealed it to be early in the morning. Birds chirped and flew by the shack, a gentle breeze blowing by as well. He noticed the computer on his lap was open and so he closed it. Rising to his feet, he held the computer tightly and picked up his coffee he surprisingly forgot he brought up there with him. Alexander took a glance behind him, feeling wary of any possible presence. He shook his head. Guess he would confirm it now.

He missed the guy

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