-sleep deprivation-

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Max only slept for three hours, her alarm waking her up from her warm sheets. A low groan came out of her mouth from frustration. She didn't want to get out of her bed.

Why was all she could think about at this time. She had a big exam today and the redhead was more sure than ever to pass out from tiredness.

Well, it's probably going to happen.

The tired girl decided to wake up anyway, even though that her asleep, jelly like body was telling her to stay in her comfortable bed. The second she stepped out of her mattress, a feeling of dizziness came to her head. Seeing completely black, she couldn't take it anymore. She crashed hard on her bed, the weird feeling starting to fade out the more her body wasn't moving.

What the fuck will this day be. The medium tall girl mumbled in her white sheets.

With all of the strength that she got -which wasn't that much- she got up from her fall and got to the bathroom, still feeling weak. Max then walked into the room and caught herself looking in the mirror. Her baby blue eyes were melting from tiredness and she had big dark circles under them. She sighed and then put water on her face, refreshing a little. Max really didn't want to go to school, her dizziness still hitting sometimes, making her head turn and turn, but she had to. She had to find Mike... and of course do her big test. But at least she wasn't there all day, all she had to do was to finish her exam and go.

She was now done getting ready, her backpack on and her skateboard in her right hand. She always traveled using her skateboard and she loved it. She loved the feeling of air flowing into her fire red hair as she skated around, she loved the feeling when she was rolling really fast down the hill and just wanted to scream all that her lungs had. And she did, but when no one was around to hear her.

So the redhead hopped on her skateboard and after a couple of minutes, she arrived at Hawkins high school. She then put her back pack in her locker and took out 2 crayons and an eraser for her stupid exam that she barely studied for. After she got all of her things, a now familiar curly head came by her. Mike.

"Hey!" He greeted her while smiling cheekily, happy that he finally found the redhead.

"Hey Mike, happy to see you!" The rose headed girl affirmed to him, an happy look on her tired face.

"Yeah me too" the cute boy affirmed to Max, a light tint of red on his cheeks, knowing that he was searching her all around the school a minute before. But he didn't want her to know that.

The redhead smiled at him, the fact that this beautiful boy was blushing by her words made her heart go in awe.

"Y-yeah I-I have to go to my exam soo hum maybe we could see eachother after?" Mike asked her, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Y-yeah we could do that" the girl responded to him, feeling like tons of butterflies were messing around in her stomach.

"Cool, he said, a nervous chuckle coming out of his lips, well see you later Max!"

"See you later Mike!" The girl told the curly head, waving at him while he was walking towards his class, him waving at her too afterwards.

Max couldn't stop smiling at herself while walking down the hile, and her best friend Will took a notice of it.

"Why are you smiling like a dumbass Mayfield?" Her good friend playfully told her, smacking her shoulder.

"For nothing" Max said, a smile that she couldn't help creeping on her slightly red face.

"I know there's something! Stop lying!" Will snapped to her, cackling.

"Well maybe..." the girl told will, an hesitant smile on her face.

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