Guys see Girls

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A/N Hello my dear Greekies! If you were waiting for the guys to see the girls and vise versa, you're in for a treat, today is also my last day of spring break so I won't be uploading as much anymore, I'm still sticking to the 5 view rule though

Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan I only own the outfits

3rd person P.O.V.

But his had short sleeves and shorts instead of pants, he wore a belt like Nico's, but his was yellow


Percy's cabin

"Hey bro" Percy said

"Hi bro" Jason replied

"You look good bro"

"Really bro?"

"Yeah bro"

"Aww Thanks bro"

"No prob bro"

"You look real good too bro"

" Thanks bro. Hey bro I think Frank is here"

"Hi Jason, hi Percy" Frank said politely

"Hey Frank, praetor of New Rome" Jason said excited, and not so polite now that he thought about it.

"Hello Frank" Percy said with the same level of excitement as Jason, and same level of politeness unfortunately.

"Dude, your hair looks good all slicked back, maybe I should've done that for Annabeth. Buuttt I think she likes my messy hair" Percy complimented with a grin

"Yeah, and all purple for the legion" Jason said happily and with the same level of excitement as before

"Thank you" Frank said

"I think I saw Will and Nico coming out from Nico's cabin on my way here about a minute ago, so they should be here very, hopefully, soon"

This raised Jason and Percy's eyebrows, and they thought, "Solace better not be doing anything to our little bro" but they decided not to say-or do- anything for now.

After 5 "grueling minutes", Nico and Will came.

"Hey, you didn't do anything that we wouldn't want you doing did you?" Percy said, his tone deathly serious but he had a big fat smile on his face, not to mention he was wiggling his eyebrows like a mad man, which really wasn't far from what he actually was.

"PEERSEEUUS JACKSSOOON!!!" Nico roared-read screeched at an unmanly tone- extremely mad and embarrassed, like always whenever Percy mentioned Will and him in the same sentence.

"Nah, besides a few kisses on the lips nothing really major" Will said quite calmly chuckling at Nico's behavior

"DON'T PUSH YOUR LUCK WILL!!!" Nico yelled exasperated by the idiot ting beside him he called his boyfriend.

"I was just joking Nico, at least Will caught on, I thought he would've started to rub off you more because of all the time you two spend together now. Anyhow, let's go meet up with the girls on Half-Blood hill." Percy concluded, walking out of his cabin.


On Half-Blood hill

"HEY EVERYBODY" Everyone said once they met up on Half-Blood hill, the entrance to Camp Half Blood. Well, the boys just went to the girls who were already there because they were the one who organized the date, and they were more punctual and more mature.



"Hey Wise girl you sure do look beautiful today" Percy said, grinning his crazy grin.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself Seaweed Brain" Annabeth said while laughing at Percy's crazy grin

"Here you go Annabeth" Percy said while handing over the flowers to Annabeth

"Oh these are so pretty, Percy thank you!" Annabeth replied happily.

"Can I get a thank you kiss Wise Girl... please?"

"Ha ha Seaweed Brain, of course you can"

Percy then got his thank you kiss, grinning into the kiss he thought, "Sweet, I'm not that bad at flirting"

Annabeth felt the grin in the kiss and thought, "He's not too shabby when it comes to flirting but it needs a bit of work, oh well, I still love him, I love his weird, no crazy personality" and returned the kiss



"Hey Pipes, you're wearing a dress!" Jason happily and mildly- very - surprised his girlfriend wore something girly on her "own free will."

"Yeah I am Jase" Piper said in a confident 'I can do whatever I want' kind of way.

"These are for you" Jason said after smirking at Piper's last comment

"Awww. Thanks Jason!" Piper said, almost laughing at how gentlemen like he gave her the flowers.

"Oh and by the way Piper..." Jason whispered, leaning into Piper's ear, "About that dress, you look absolutely beautiful in it..." Piper blushed at this statement, "you'd look better with it off" Piper turned very red at this and Jason chuckled.

"Maybe later Sparky" She said raising an eyebrow then kissed a surprised Jason.



"Why am I so shy?" Frank thought to himself, "All the guys here seem so chill, and while I'm the one who takes their girlfriend, or boyfriend out of date the most I'm still the most shy one here. Way to go Zhang" With each sentence Frank thought he got redder.

Obviously Hazel noticed her boyfriend slowly turning into a cherry tomato and thought, "Aww how sweet, even though we've had so many dates, he is still so shy. I guess that's the way he is and I still love him"

Since nobody was making a move Frank finally said-read whispered shyly, "You look really- very pretty today Hazel"

"Thank you Frank, you look very handsome yourself" Said person replied quietly and shyly.

Frank decided he was going to be "bold" and kiss Hazel on the cheek- very softly.

Hazel returned his kiss with a proper one, a very proper one that is.



"Wow" Will said, amazed.

"Yeah, wow is the right word" Will's boyfr- Nico said, "They're as straight as a line"

"And we're not!" Will yelled happily grinning his crazy grin that he knew Nico loved

"You're such a dork." Nico grumbled, well tried to grumble, he failed when he saw that cute grin of Will's he then was trying to suppress a smile.

"That's one of the reasons why you love me Death Boy" Will said smugly with his hands on his hips

Nico then stood on his tiptoes and kissed Will, into the kiss he whispered, "That's very true Sunshine" and he could feel Will smile into the kiss



Once everybody stopped talking, giggling and kissing, Annabeth the most mature person of the group yelled "politely" if you could yell politely (she didn't), "So are we going or not?"

Being the Argo II members minus 1 plus 2 honorary members the group naturally hollered " YEAH LET'S GO!" which turned some heads and earned a few laughs back at camp.

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