Trish x M!Reader

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Repost two:Done! Edited and requested by Themegladon2000.

The sky was a stormy grey, the rain plelting the ground as if it could churn up the earth. With this in mind, no sane person would be out and about during this time, unless they had a vehicle of some sort.

This is why, when the blonde-haired demoness walked into the diner, everyone had turned to look at her. She had been sighted by many of the men in the diner, as who couldn't resist the pull of those curves, those volumtous breasts, the plump, light-pink of her lips? Well, most didn't. Except for one man, who sat in a corner booth, waiting quietly for his bill to come to him after his long-awaited meal.

The blonde looked around, a few cat calls and whistles being thrown her way and she smirked. She seemed to know what affect she had on people, and seemed to like to use it to her advantage. Although, she did notice the handsome male in the back, his (H/L) (H/C) hidden under the hat he was wearing.

She walked over toward him, bending down in front of him, showing a dazzling smile and a whole lot of cleavage.
"What's your name, sugar?" Her blue eyes met with (E/C) ones and you looked her dead in the eye, no foolishness involved.
"(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." You finished off your drink as the waiter stood awkwardly, as the demoness was blocking his way. She moved, and the waiter set down the bill, which you proceeded to pay as she spoke to you.
"So, what brings you to Fortuna, (Y/N)?" A smile graced your lips as you chuckled.
"Well, if that was your business, I'd tell you. But I'm afraid not." You looked up at her again, your smile wider then before as she looked at you curiously. She waved it off and continued her pursuit.
"Well, can I make it my business?" A finger went up to tap your chin, giving the time to think before shrugging.
"Fine by me. But just don't expect to get paid." You stood up, throwing your coat on and left the diner in your truck, off to the outskirts of the town.

Sorry if this was shorter then the one before. Was a little less motivated, but it was defiantly longer then the first time I wrote it. Hope y'all enjoyed, and sleep well.

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