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This is for a Cinderella AU for the ship Marinette x Felix in the fandom Miraculous Ladybug

Made with Fandom_Queen over on Discord.

Continue on if you are in the fandom, or you just don't care.


- Felix has good plans but Mari is too good

- Mari is a thief

- Felix is stoned face with bits of frustration

- But when he finally finds her this small smile just appears in his face

- It's like the entire universe lights up around them

- Because they slowly fall for each other all the while

- And everything just clicks into place

- Felix smirking as Mari is trapped in a corner: I've got you now

- Mari escaping: bitch, you thought

- And then they walk away together

- Felix just says "you know you'll have to replace everything you stole, right?"

- Marinette is like "damn, I hoped you forgot"

- Marinette as future queen?

- Gabriel has a heart attack (but not really)

- Alya is her accomplice

- And she's like "girl you best not be falling for the prince"

- Nino is Felix's, but they aren't really close until they start the search together

- And Nino has this knowing look he gives Felix every time they meet and she gets away

- Because he just knows

- Felix, staring off after her: I will find her

- Nino, mumbling: and marry her...

- And Felix is oblivious to his feelings until the end and he realizes

- He gets this big 'oh shit' moment
and it's like, wait, he loves her, and everything feels right

- And she just laughs and calls him an idiot, smiling the entire time

- Alya and Nino facepalm in the background

- And then they kiss

- And Alya and Nino just smirk at each other


- Years later Marinette steals Felix's royal ring

- He knows it's her and tracks her down through the castle

- It's like a cute game of cat and mouse

- When he finds her she proposes

- And he's just like "you could've just asked like a normal person"

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