Chapter 13...

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"BEAU! JAI!" Luke screamed at his house "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!"

Isobelle touched his shoulder and said "babe, calm down."

"I'm sorry" he laughed "I forgot my key"

Isobelle turned to Dakota and said "they do this all the time."

Dakota laughed and said "I think all boys do."

"Oi, we're not that bad!" jai said as he finally opened the door. "Hey, who's this?" he asked looking straight at Dakota.

"I'm Dakota" she said looking straight back at him.

"Come on in, we're not gonna stay outside all day" Luke said dragging Isobelle by the hand.

Jai and Dakota didn’t take their eyes off each other until they were both inside and sat on the couch where Luke and Isobelle were already cuddled up in the corner. Jai glanced over at his brother and his girlfriend and said "so, is any one gonna actually introduce me to Dakota or..?"

"Oh shit, yeah." Isobelle said breaking her concentration on Luke's eyes "me and Luke were walking up here and Dakota saw us and recognised Luke, she took a picture with both of us and then made me cry." Jai raised an eyebrow but let Isobelle finish "she told me that she believed that Luke and I are a perfect couple and that she thinks that we will get married and live happily ever after." Isobelle giggled at Dakota's reaction - she was blushing bright red - "she said that she used to have a crush on Luke but ever since she found out about us she accepted it and she said she will support us till the end. That’s when I was in tears." She finished smiling over at Dakota.

"So I was standing there with two crying girls. I had no idea what to do." Luke laughed.

"Don’t worry bro, I wouldn’t have any idea what to do either" Jai agreed.

"Yeah, anyway. So when I was crying, I asked her if she wanted to chill with us today and meet you guys. As she made me so happy I thought she deserved it." Isobelle said.

"How old are you Dakota?" Jai asked.

"17, same as you guys"

"Really? Cool. How long you been in this area then babe?"

"Almost my whole life" Dakota replied, still blushing.

"Wow. We have some beautiful girls in our neighbourhood Luke." Jai said.

"I know, but I don’t care. I have Izzy." Luke said gazing over at Isobelle adoringly.

"Eugh, they do this all the time, they probably won't talk to anyone for at least an hour or so now." Jai explained to Dakota. She laughed and jai asked "you wanna go somewhere else where we don’t have to watch that" he pointed towards Luke and Isobelle who were making out, completely oblivious to anyone else.

Dakota looked at them and said "yeah, that could be awkward…"

"I'm used to it." Jai shrugged. "Come on follow me." He said beckoning her. Dakota followed jai into his room and sat down on his bed opposite him.

"So…" she said awkwardly.

"So what? Do you feel awkward? I'm sorry."

"No its fine, it's just that I'm a bit star-struck at the moment to be honest babe." Dakota laughed.

"With me?"

"Yeah, I kinda have a tiny crush on you, actually that’s an understatement." She laughed nervously.

"Really? Well that’s good to know." Jai said winking at her. "So tell me about you." He said creating a conversation.

Dakota began talking about her life and anything and everything. As she was talking Jai was looking at her and began to see everything about her come to life. Her striking blue eyes, her flowing blond-brown hair, that little dimple on the corner of her mouth when she spoke, the way she talked with her hands and even the way she sat crossed legged on his bed gradually became so beautiful. He was so engrossed in her that he didn’t really hear anything she was saying, but it didn’t matter because he knew that he would have so long to learn every single little detail about her, just like Luke and Isobelle. Isobelle. Suddenly everything that he felt towards Isobelle was completely muted, Dakota was slowly taking over that place in his heart and he didn’t even notice…

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