Chapter 16...

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Three weeks later and the boys and Dakota were all staying at Isobelle's house to sort all their stuff out for their trip. Each person had brought their entire wardrobe over in order to decide what to take with them. Isobelle's whole bedroom floor was just a huge pile of clothes.

"And we have to fit all this into how many suitcases?" Luke asked sounding slightly scared at the idea of packing.

Isobelle laughed and said "10. And we choose the things we need or want and then we have to wrestle it all into the cases, not all of it."

"This is going to be impossible…"

"Oh stop whining, you're pathetic" Isobelle teased him.

"I still can't believe we're going to England." Jai said out of the blue.

"Well you better hurry up and believe it, we leave tomorrow morning!" Dakota laughed.

"I know, it just seems unreal."

"Oh well." Isobelle replied vaguely as she was sorting through what socks to take.

"Wait. Do we get food on the plane?" Beau said raising his hands above his head stopping everyone in their tracks.

"Shit. Yeah, do we need to pack food? I can't go 25 hours without food." Skip agreed staring at Isobelle.

"Yes we get food! You really think they would let you starve?" she laughed and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright I was just asking…" Beau trailed off continuing to sort his case out.

"This is going to take forever." James sighed "I don’t even know which stuff is mine" he said picking up a shirt and eyeing it questioningly trying to determine who it belonged to. "You two are girls it's easier for you, and there's only two of you to get mixed up with, there's five of us! This is impossible!"

"It's not impossible, it's just hard." Dakota said evoking a whispered "that’s what she said" curtsey of Jai from across the room.

"Easier?! You're kidding me?" Isobelle laughed "think about how much more stuff we have to wear!" she said now sorting through her dresses.

"True." James said defeated.

Dakota was knee deep in shirts trying to sort out the girls and boys by picking one up, identifying it, and then lobbing it at its rightful owner. Jai saw what she was doing and waded over to help her.

"How long till we have to leave for the airport Izzy?" Luke shouted from the bathroom where he was sorting various different creams, lotions and other concoctions into separate groups for each person.

"Umm, let me think… our flight leaves at 2:30am and we have to be at the airport three hours early, which means we have to leave here at around 9pm tonight. That’s only 11 hours." Isobelle replied having worked it out.

"Fuck. We have hardly even started." Luke shouted back while trying not to sneeze after accidently spraying some of Dakota's perfume up his nose.

"Never let us do this again mum." Isobelle told her mum who had been standing at the door watching the seven teenagers struggle with the mountains of clothes before them.

"You can do what you want, I'm not involved. You can sort it out sweetheart." Her mother replied encouragingly.

Isobelle rolled her eyes and told her that she wasn’t helping so it would be nice if she shuffled off somewhere else. Her mum obeyed and Isobelle looked around the bombsite that was her room and saw that Dakota and Jai had managed to instigate their method of sorting into the others attempts and were actually making quite good progress. After about half an hour of sorting, everyone had their own clothes in front of them ready to sort. Isobelle told them what type of things they might need to wear based on the usual weather conditions and everyone began to narrow down their piles. Soon everyone had chosen all their shirts and jackets and only had underwear, pants and shoes to go; with the exception of Isobelle and Dakota who were still to sort dresses and beauty products as well.

Once everyone was done with their choices the left over clothes were all put on Isobelle's bed and left there ready to deal with when they all arrived home, and the 10 suitcases were laid out in the middle of the floor ready to be packed. Each person was allocated an individual case with the three left over for anything that refused to fit. All the clothes managed to fit into their cases and the three empty cases were filled with beauty products, shoes and hats, and 'miscellaneous items' for example DVD's, electrical chargers, a Rubik's cube and a small yellow duck that Daniel insisted on taking. Once each item had been assigned a case, the next job was to weigh them and get them to shut. Luckily, with a bit of moving around all the cases were the right weight and were able to close when jumped on, hit with a pillow and sat on by Isobelle and Dakota.

"Done." Luke sighed, flopping down on the bean bag that was now a permanent fixture in Isobelle's room.

"Not yet, we have to do the carryon bags now…" Dakota pointed out making everyone groan.

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