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It all started in Secondary School.

Mariah, one of the most smart - ass kids of school, reserved, only one friend type of girls and shy, was head over heels for this guy called Ross. I know she was like 11 years but what would life be without a crush right? At that time he wasn't an asshole like he is now. He was kind of sweet...still the most popular kid along with the group of boys he used to stay with.

Mariah actually thought he liked her because he actually was nice to her and one day he even called her beautiful and which 11 soon to be 12 year old doesn't fall for that?

Little did she know that for the following 2 years he wouldn't actually speak to her and with time turn into a total jack ass by the second!

It was time to change school and Mariah lost all of her friends, she still was in contact with them But it wasn't the same and in the new school she was left out, turned into a loner, a fish out of the sea. Her only friend was Natalie and it was more than fine to her as she was totally reserved.

She's 16 now. Still a smart - ass and she has new crushes.....impossible crushes, too hot, too popular, too FAMOUS !!

" Omg Nat, Colton is so freaking hot and look at the Tylers so freaking cute and gorjusss! "

" I will never be tired of fan girling over the Teen Wolf boys.... They are like sexyliciousssssss !! "

" I know right?! "

The Bell rings and they go to class.

After what felt like a lifetime school finished and they went home at Mariah's home.

" Wait a minute ... "

She logged into Facebook ....

" Ughhhh I just hate how many notifications come up. I have to check them one by one! "

" Calm down... I'm so excited about Summer... holidays, beaches, ice tea......"

" BOYS " They scream together.... as if they were the types that hanged out with boys.... but hot guys, shirtless on the beach ... looking never hurt anyone, right?

" And seriously you need to get over your addiction to peach ice tea ! " She said while chuckling knowing what her response would be !!

" When you get over dancing on tippee toes and doing those hard looking moves, I'll try to get over ice tea ! "

Mariah laughs... " Never going to happen !! "

"Exactly." She responds.

After a while she got an invitation to a so what called 'Reunion Roadtrip '.

" What's that invitation? " asked Natalie.

" My old friends want to go on a 3 week roadtrip after we finish school. Then we'll camp somewhere near a beach. "

"Oh wow...are you going? You know we planned some outings this summer. "

" Nat, I'm not sure. But they say here that we could bring friends with us cuz we are a small group of people. Not all of my old friends are going, just this group. I don't know if I want to. Yes we had plans too and yet I want to see my old friends. So what do you think? "

" If you want to see your friends its fine with me as long as you text me everyday and tell me what's going on cuz you know I'm going to be a loner more than I am now !! "

" I told you ... you can come with. It's written right there." Mar said pointing at screen. I want to see my friend's and all but we had a summer planned out and this seems like a good occasion. And look at that....we are going to the beach. " Mariah said laughing.

" I...I don't know. I don' t even know your friends anyways. And I think there will be boys and it's going to be awkward ! "

" Yeah there will be boys I think. I am uncomfortable too you know. I'm not actually 'close' to them." She did the open inverted commas sign with her hand. There will be Desire too so you get to meet my other best friend. You'll get along just fine. "

" Then we'll see. I'll ask my mother." She said happily.

" Besides maybe you get to fall in love with one of my guy friends if you can call them that !! " Mariah said teasing.

" Yeah right. As if. I've actually saw their account on fb. They're hot and all but they sure as hell are not my type !! "

" Oh come on. Speaking of the guys. Let's check who's going. "

Mariah got to the list of people who were going. It really was a small list. She saw that her best friend was going of course and others too like Kirsten and Carla. She really wanted to see them cuz they were her friends and she missed them. But of course she was more excited about the boys. Even if sometimes they pissed her off. But still they were fun ! But as she got at the end of the list something got into her ....

" Jack ass !! " Mariah said fiercely.

" What's wrong? " Nat asked confused.

" I'm not sure I want to go now !! " She said sadly.

" Why not? "

" Cuz there's someone I definetly don't want to meet ! "

She didn't think about him at all. She already had forgotten about him. That ass. Maybe he was 12 at the time but he really did hurt her !

" Who ? " Nat asked curious and still confused as ever.

" That ass of Ross ... remember I had talked to you about him ? "

" The blonde ? "

" Yeah !! I know I was twelve and all but shit he hurt me. And when I talked to Carla a few months ago she said he got worse !! "

" Maybe he changed ! And he was 12 Mar. You need to get over the fact he treated you like shit and didn't talk to you at all. Boys do that when they have a crush. You said it yourself he was nice before. Oh and for god's sakes...let me repeat he was 12 !! "

" Yeah maybe. But maybe he's still an ass as Carla said ! He was nice and so what changed so fast that he started calling me names? I still have his chat's you know ! "

" Okay calm down. Sheeshh. My point is that you're giving up a trip with your friends because of him? Maybe he changed, maybe he didn't but you can't not go cuz of him. Go and if he says something to him just ignore him. And if he doesn't stop I swear I'll kick him in the ba*** ! " She said with amusement showing on her face !!

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