Roadtrip Time !

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" Nat how did you do ? "

" Good I guess. " She said with a worried looking face.

It was exam week and these two were freaking out over nothing.  They had studied but almost everyone is panicked at these mind blowing hard exams !

" There were a few difficulties but I did fine. " Mariah said happily.

" I can't believe we have one other exam and then summer begins ! " excitement showed on Nat's face.

" You know summer started a few weeks ago when this freakishly hot weather started? " Mar said teasing.

" I can't wait for that roadtrip. I'm astonished at how my mother said yes so easily !! " Nat said excitedly.

" Ughh.... don't remind me. My mum said yes. And no that isn't a good thing " She knew that Nat was going  to say that it was a good thing. " Do I really need to go ?! " Mar said whining.

" We've been over this. Now we have new plans and you are not backing down again ! "

"Okay. You know? I talked to Carla a few days ago and she told me that jack ass is going after her and that a few weeks ago he was after another girl. He's discusting.  I can't even.....UGHHHH. HE'S SUCH A PLAYBOY !!!! "

" Calm down. If you are going to  act like this in front of him he's gonna tease you. And yeah......I think someone has a crush ! "

" Oh my god. I can't believe you said that. I DON'T LIKE HIM !! He's a total jack ass and I hate him. I like play boys but in books not in real life. He's such a jerk ! Please can we not talk about this anymore? "

Nat nodded as she knew it was impossible to talk some sense in her friend's mind. She knew she was under pressure because of the exams and this topic she hated and so it was better to surrender.

One week later :

It was a day before the roadtrip and Mariah was talking over her phone with Desire. They were planning to drive to Desire's home and then go meet up with their friends later that day. Desire had told her that the girls had a Caravan all to themselves. Big enough for 5 people and the boys had their own .

" Okay bye. See you tomorrow. Can' t wait. "

" Yeah you lier ! " Nat said throwing a shirt to her friend while helping Mariah pack.

" What? I can't wait to see my friend. I just don't want to see that asshole. "

" Yeah right.  And you expect me to believe you ? "  Nat said immediately regretting what she blurred out of her mouth. Mariah threw her a warning look.

" Okay okay. Let's just keep packing your stuff. I already did my things. At what time are we going to meet up ? "

Mar told her all that Desire told her and they kept packing.

Morning :

They had been driving with Mariah's dad all morning. It was about an hour and a half from Mariah's house to Desire's but they needed to go to Nat's house because she forgot something and had to buy something she said it was so important....6 bottles of peach ice tea. At last they had reached there destination. Mariah rushed out of the car to go hug her long time no see best friend.

" Omg I missed you so much! " Mar said .

" I know me too. And this must be Natalie. Nice to finally meet you. We will be getting along just fine. " Desire said shaking Natalie's hand.

" Thanks. So now what ? " Nat said impatiently.

" Now we wait for the boys to get the caravans. Come in the others are inside. " She gave way to her house.

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