Sorry not sorry.

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It's was the forth day of the trip. Mariah hadn't had the chance to aplogize to Ross. She doesn't even know why she wants to. Ross has been calling her names everyday and she just walks away. He called her fatty and fool and other sorts of names she had heard before. She thought of them as childish. Mariah was a very religious girl. Even if he wronged her she didn't want to fall to his level and that's why she wanted to apologize. She was thinking about not apologising because she wasn't sorry she called him an ass. It wasn't the first time.

"Girls where is Ross.? I need to do this now. "

"You still thinking about apologising? " Kirsten asked.

"I'm not sorry and you know that but you know me well enough to know that I don't like to hurt people."

"Well screw that.  He hurts you. It doesn't seem he said sorry to you now,did he?"

"Please where is he?" Mar asked almost pleading.

Kirsten gave the directions where Ross was. He was talking to the boys. She called him. He looked in her direction. " What do you want?" Crossing hands over his chest he asked her rudely.

"I'm sorry for calling you an ass last night. I know you heard me." She stood in front of him now.

"Look guys. She's sorry." He looked over the boys which where a few steps away from him. "What you are going to hell by not apologising? " He knew how religious she was.

" No I just wanted to say I'm so.." He cut her off.

"Yeah I think I heard you the first time you know?"

"Okay. You don't have to be an ass about it. I just wanted to apologise. "

"There you go again. Are you going to apologise again?"

"You know what? Screw it. Screw you. When I don't talk to you, you make fun of me. When I apologise far calling you an ass which by the way you make fun of me. It isn't even funny. Not even the boys are laughing. I didn't have the courage to stand up for my self before. But this needs to end. I don't need to feel bad about my self because of you. You calling me fatty makes you an ass. Everything you call me makes you an ass. Oh and no one likes you not even Carla so stop bugging her. "

He looked shocked.

She walked away. Everyone looked stunned by the sudden change in Mariah. 

"You tell him guurlll." The girls shouted.

"I can't believe I just said that. What a relief. I was going to explode sooner or later. But I don't think he will stop !"

"Then you stand up to him just like you just did" Nat said.

"You were amazing. I'm so proud of you." Dylan told her. He had left Ross with Mark , Mirko and Grant, the other boys.

"Thanks. I could have just killed him right away." Of course joking.

Dylan smiled. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked trying not to look all excited.

"Sure." She replied not even hesitating.  He was a sweet boy and he had been one of those people to stand up for her.

"Listen. I know it isn't any of my business. But I was dying to ask you....Do you like Ross after all these years?" He asked curiously.

"Well. I don't know. I always tell the girls I don't.  A part of me tough won't let go. He wasn't like that before but maybe because he was a boy. I like to think that everyone has a good side. He hurts me but ... I don't know. Wait you were dying to ask? " She now looked confused and kind of shocked by that statement Dylan had just made seconds before.

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