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Expecting the pain of the metal cutting into his head, but he felt the blunt force of the flat side of the blade coming in contact with his neck. A chill ran through his nerves like electricity. The blonde boy looked directly at his eyes: "How do you possess magic? Why does the Allfather want you?" Victor looked at the boy in the eyes: "I don't know. Maybe you ought to have started with that instead of nearly killing me." the boy rolled his eyes: "If i wanted to kill you you'd be dead, neatly divided into 16 filets of your former self. Wait... you're lying..." Victor squinted at the boy and said: "What if I'm lying? What are you going to do? Kill me? Clearly you've established that you won't do that." The other boy cocked his head sideways: "That may be, but I think I'll take you to someone who would loosen your tongue.' with that he looked up and shouted upwards: "Heimdall! Portal!"

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