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Sol and Maximilian's surroundings blurred as they flew through the clouds and into the folds of Yggdrasil. Maximilian and Sol landed on the mist wreathed rainbow branches of the giant tree through a portal twice the size of a hula hoop, it was like walking on an aurora borealis moulded into branches protruding from a glowing luminescent trunk. Maximilian gazed around in bewilderment, Sol looked at him: "Not many mortals ever see the World Tree in all its glory. Ever since the Bifrost, most people don't ever see it for what it is anymore."

Maximilian looked around and absent-mindedly responded: "Yes, quite a shame."

Sol's wings remained out, she fastened her combat boots tighter, and she tapped Maximilian on the shoulder: "We have to keep moving."

Maximilian blinked twice and concentrated. Maximilian reminded himself: "Right Jotunheim."

Sol's blood felt like ice in her veins: "Not that Maximilian. I meant-"

Suddenly a piercing, spine chilling shriek echoed through the branches of Yggdrasil. Sol whispered in terror: "I'm talking about Ratatosk..."

Sol grabbed Maximilian by the arm and flew to a higher branch as the monstrous screeching and stomping approached to hide behind a cloud of mist. Down the trunk, a large black squirrel stomped down the rainbow truck, like a blemish on a work of art, the black monstrosity crept down the rainbow tree and hissed. Sol and Maximilian watched the beast from behind the mist as it crept past.

Ratatosk cruised along a slowly his tail scraping against the tree like a knife on a chalkboard. Finally after several moments that felt like an eternity, Ratatosk moved past them.

Sol and Maximilian felt a breath leave them in relief. Sol gripped Maximilian's shoulder: "Stay close and stay quiet."

Sol and Maximilian darted out from behind the mist, Maximilian whispered to Sol: "Aren't you a primeval deity? Why don't you hit Ratatosk with some magic or something?"

Sol snickered quietly: "I'm old, omniscient, I see where the light touches or has touched, also an accomplished driver, the one thing I am not is omnipotent. The sun never fights, it just keeps going on hence why I'm a strict non-combat deity. The sun can only lead those that pursue a goal to it."

Suddenly there was a howl as the scraping returned. Sol felt her blood heat up as she started to glow gold, adrenaline started flowing through her blood, her pupils widened in terror. She whispered to Maximilian: "We need to leave."

Maximilian nodded, with urgency. Sol beckoned Maximilian forward to take her wrist again. Maximilian placed his hand on Sol's wrist before Maximilian exclaimed in pain as Maximilian's left hand was covered in a raw burn.

Maximilian's shocked response was: "How...?"

Sol panicked and blurred out: "Sometimes when I'm under stress I become too hot to handle!"

Maximilian looked at her with exasperation: "You didn't tell me before I hung onto you like a rag doll?"

Sol prepared to say something before a shriek pierces the air like a blade through ice.

Ratatosk has found them.

Maximilian shouted in panic: "Forget it! Get to the portal!"

Ratatosk crashed through the mist, his yellow fangs and luscious black fur gleaming in the light of Yggdrasil's branches. Sol darted upwards while Maximilian slashed at Ratatosk's impervious black fur. Terrified, Sol fluttered just out of reach and watched in blind helplessness as Maximilian fended off Ratatosk as it howled and screamed as Maximilian fruitlessly tried to repel the ferocious beast.

Ratatosk spun and whacked Maximilian with his large bushy tail, sending the Odinson flying as he hung onto a rainbow branch, hanging over the Ginnungagap, the primeval void. Maximilian yelled out at Sol: "You have to calm yourself, control the sun!"

Sol squirmed in anguish: "I can't control the sun!"

Maximilian hollered back: "You are the sun!"

Sol wrung her hands helplessly as she wailed: "I only channel the light of the sun as it's only vessel!"

Ratatosk stomped closer, scattering rainbow light in every direction. Maximilian's face was beet red with tension and anticipation. Pulse racing, Sol yelped and slammed into Ratatosk, a large glowing, burning, searing hot figure of sunfire.

Ratatosk shrieked so loud the tree of Yggdrasil shook and Maximilian's lost one arm's grip on the branch. Sol picked up Gram and carefully handled the blade end and told Maximilian: "Grab the handle."

Maximilian gingerly grabbed the handle and Sol pulled him up, and when she handed the Odinson his sword back, her right hand bleeding slightly from the sword cuts.

Maximilian turned to her as Ratatosk began to move towards them again: "What do we do?"

Sol looked upwards at the portal: "We need to run."

Maximilian asked her: "Are you cool enough to handle?"

Sol shook her head: "No, it's my turn to hold him off, you climb."

Maximilian tilted his head: "What happened to non combat-"

Sol flicked her wrist and firmly reavowed: "I said go Maximilian."

The vitriol in the goddess' voice seemed to trigger something in Maximilian and the boy bounded up the rainbow tree.

Sol was radiant with golden effervescent as she felt a warmth like she had never known before, it wasn't the heat of the sun, it was the burning passion from the heart, and we all know what the heart makes a person.

She turned to the howling squirrel: "I am Sol, the sun is the bringer of sunlight and warmth to the 9 Realms, and the sun's flares have little patience for you."

Sol rammed straight into Ratatosk, sunfire ablaze and Ratatosk was sent flying backwards off the branches of Yggdrasil, fur smoking, and into the base where the dragon Nidhogg resided. Stunned by her own strength she soared up to where Maximilian watched, stunned. Sol soared back upwards and roosted on the branch next to the portal as Maximilian finished scaling the trunk and picked himself up: "You did it!" he said in exhaustion.

Sol smiled: "My goodness! That felt really good!"

Maximilian shrugged: "Yeah, it's called heroism."

Sol rolled her eyes: "Naturally, but we need to get to Jotunheim, Ratatosk won't stay down forever."

Maximilian gestured to the portal: "Ladies first?"

Sol laughed: "As you like it."

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