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He felt Victor's powerful angry strikes smash against his defence, he was so proud of how quickly Victor had grown, the boy had talent, no doubt, but he was definitely not there yet. Right as Victor slashed downwards viciously, Maximilian rolled out of the way and landed a solid strike into the side of Victor's soft, sensitive thigh. He felt his blade slash the flesh, and Victor doubled over in pain.

Maximilian felt the horror slowly sink into him as he realised what he had done: "Victor! I'm so sorry!"

Victor looked up and his eyes had gone completely black and crackled with energy: "THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED IF YOU DIDN'T PUT THOSE IDIOTIC RULES ON ME!"

Maximilian cursed before being slammed to the ground by several black fiery tentacles and Victor shriek: "IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? I COULD DESTROY YOU AND NOT BAT AN EYE! I AM NOT WEAK!"

Maximilian felt the tentacles constrict around his neck choking him: "V-Victor..."

Maximilian saw the blood flow down Victor's dark jeans, he stared into his lover's darkened eyes, pleading for him to see sense. Maximilian tried to form words but he couldn't form more than a labored gurgle. He tried again to appeal to Victor, trying to speak before choking out one word: "Skylar..."

With that Victor's eyes widened and the tentacles slackened, with no hesitation, he placed his hand on Victor's shoulder and imparted all the love he had for Victor onto him, memories of keeping warm in the forests of Niflheim, laughing around the fire in Fafnir's cave, Victor carrying him out of the sinkhole in Svartalfheim. Victor's eyes cleared as the tentacles of fire dissolved and Victor slowly lowered his arms and hugged Maximilian: "Gods... Max... what did I do to you? I lost control I'm sorry!"

Maximilian hugged Victor back: "No Victor... I messed up. I pushed you too hard!"

Victor laughed through his leg wound: "I should be ashamed of myself for not being good enough."

Maximilian opened his mouth to say something before Victor's leg gave out: "Maximilian.... Can you fix me?"

Maximilian gaped like an idiot and Victor pressed: "Please? It hurts." and he playfully pouted.

Maximilian knelt down and placed his hand on the wound, causing Victor to hiss: "Stay still Victor... I know it stings, but you helped me, so consider this repaying that favor."

Victor smiled: "You're keeping count?"

Maximilian sighed: "Perhaps."

Maximilian concentrated on a happy memory, seeing Victor unleash Loki's power for the first time in Niflheim warmed him and he felt his hands warm and he sensed the wound mend itself.

Victor blinked: "Thanks."

Maximilian nodded: "Don't mention it."

Victor exhaled: "I'm really sorry for snapping at you, it's just I don't like being contained, I swear to you Max, I will defeat you one day without my magic."

Maximilian was impressed by the conviction in his boyfriend's voice. He had a burning desire in his eye and manic smile. Maximilian said: "I believe you will. You mastered rune magic in days, sword play will be simple for you."

Victor chuckled: "Watch your back Maxie... you're going to be in the dust soon."

Victor then continued: "Max, I'm starving let go get something to eat."

A few minutes later the two boys were sitting in a McDonalds each eating a cheeseburger with a soda as well as sharing fries.

Maximilian was bewildered by Midgardian fast food: "Victor... it's so greasy... and delicious. And this drink is so gaseous... I love it!"

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