Chapter 1

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My annoying twin brother kept going on and on about his new girlfriend and how I had to meet her.

"It's okay, I'll do it. Just shut up."

He knows I haven't been up for people lately. Especially for people in a relationship. Ugh, they can be so irritating.

"You just hate me because you don't have anybody." He just said it to my face. Like I didn't know already.

"I don't even want to have anybody."

"Lies." Ethan mumbled below his breath.

"Fuck off." I kicked him with my leg off the bed and continued reading my amusing book.

He announced for me to be ready at 6 for dinner for the fifteenth time and I just rolled my eyes.

"This girl better be like a fucking Rihanna or something."

I don't know why he was so excited for me meeting her, even our parents met her.

"Please be nice, Audrey." Ethan begged, looking scared.

"Relax, bro. You have told me so much about her, I know she is special. I promise not to scare her away." I smirked as I snatched the bottle of wine he was holding as a gift for her.

"I'll take that. What's her name again?" Ethan's mouth dropped at my statement, acting like I don't know it.

"Kidding, I know it's Yvonne."

The door flung open and in front of me stood a short, cute looking girl with dark curly hair.

"Hey!" She seemed so cheerful.

"Hey, baby." Ethan wrapped her in his strong arms before turning around and introducing us.

"Nice to meet you." We said at the same time and chuckled.

For some reason, this girl seemed strangely familiar. I know I haven't met her before, but why is it that I'm thinking it?

"Come on in, dinner is almost ready." She thanked me for the wine even though I didn't buy it. But I surely wasn't planning to tell her that.

"So, my sister will be here soon and she will join us. But we can start eating now, so it doesn't get cold."

We finished the whole dinner, just the three of us.

I could see Ethan and Yvonne were acting strangely.

"Why are you being weird?" I asked as they fidgeted in both their seats.

"We kind of have something to tell you." I leaned forward, letting them know I am listening.

Just on que, someone I least expected walked through the door.

Ruby Yablonski.

The girl who broke my heart three years ago after we finished college. I haven't been myself since.

"Hello, sorry I'm late, I..." She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw me as well.

"We're engaged!" The couple in front of me yelled and I couldn't process the amount of information that just flew into my brain.

Great, now this means I have to put up with this woman.

I turned back and forth between the couple and Ruby.

Then my ex love broke the silence by simply saying:


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