Chapter 17

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Ruby's POV

It took all of my strength to tell Audrey what I did. I felt crushed. Like I cheated on her. Again.

"You're kidding me, right?" She said on the phone.


"I can't believe this." That was all I heard before she hung up on me.

I looked at the phone for a minute and then I threw it on the bed.


A very long week went by, as I went to work every day on the construction field. It really was hot here in Miami. Being exposed to the sun for at least five hours a day wasn't doing me any good. Every now and then we would sit under a small tent we had set up just to cool off. But it wasn't that helpful. I got another skin tan after a few days.

Right now I was looking at the workers on the job doing a part that had to be supervised by me.

"Listen, if you think this is the best option for it to hold, I won't disagree." I said to the main worker, Sam.

"Okay, madam. I appreciate it."

Truth be told, I was tired already and I really don't want to meddle where I don't have to. I worked with two other architects who were there right now to help make the plans for the building.

"So Ruby, what do you think about some drinks tonight, since it's Friday?" Louis said, looking at me.

He was a tall, kinda skinny guy with dark brown hair and green eyes. His hair was a bit longer than usual, and his face perfectly clean and shaved. He always wore a shirt to work, no suit. It would be crazy of course. considering how hot it is. The other architect, Bette, she was a bit older than both of us, around her 40s maybe. She had long brown hair that was up in a perfect bun most of the time. She also wore shirts but combined them with tight pencil skirts.

Now they were both looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Um, why not? I don't really have anything to do." Even though I wasn't in my best mood lately since my girlfriend hadn't called me or answered any of my texts since Monday. It went straight to voicemail. I can't say I don't understand, but I just wanted to talk about this option of having a long distance realtionship for a while, until my contract would end with the firm in Miami. I still haven't signed the papers, they said they would give them to me after I finished this project.

"Great. Bette, you're going too, right?" Louis asked, looking at our co-worker.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." She looked at me and winked.

She had her way of flirting around, but I knew it was innocent since she already told me she's in a relationship.

"So, where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"This new club called Olympus opened a week ago and I heard it is lit there. So we have to go and check it out."

"Olympus? Isn't that a gay club?" Bette asked, looking at Louis.

"Well yeah, but why is that a problem? Any of you homophobic?" He asked, looking between both of us. I just laughed and shook my head. Practically, all three of us are homosexual and we've been joking about it since day one. Bette also laughed at him. "That's what I thought." Louis finished.

"You be ready at 8PM, I'll come by your hotel to pick you up." Bette said to me while she pulled a straight line over her ruller on the paper.

"I will. Thanks."

"No problem, Ruby." Bette winked at me again.


It was time for us to go and Bette was a little bit late. I looked at my phone, it was 8:10.

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