Chapter 5

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I yawned again and continued doing my work and staring into the papers in front of me.

"We've been here for too long." Ruby took a sip of her coffee as she held her forehead with her palm.

"Then go home." I just commented, continuing my work.


I didn't even pay attention to what she said. After almost an hour, we were finished with the plans.

"I guess this is it." She smiled as she stood up and realised that we did it.

"Yes, yes it is." I jumped up, happy that we did it and we can finally transfer to the field with our project.

I was so happy that I ran around the desk straight to the door and then straight into her arms on the way back. I hugged her for a minute before I even realised what I was doing.

"Um, Audrey?" Her voice brought me back to reality and her scent was still in my nose.

"Sorry, got too excited."

"It's okay. I didn't mind it." Ruby genuinely smiled at me.

Her eyes had a familiar spark in them right now. I guess it was me who did this.

"Are you okay?" She must've noticed me staring, so she decided to break the silence.

In this moment, I don't even know what made me do it. I got closer to her, too close. My lips were inches from hers and she didn't back up. I wanted this.

I kissed her tenderly, holding my hands to my sides, not even touching her. When we broke up, this was the thing I missed the most. Kissing her.

Without a word, I got back to my chair, took my bag and walked out of the office.

On my way out, I heard Ruby ask "What was that for, Audrey?"

"I just wanted to remind myself of what was it like."

And with that, I walked out.

On my way home, I got into a lot of thinking. Lea looked at me in the rearview mirror constantly.

"Want to ask me something?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Um, no, sorry..." she turned back to the road "Actually, yes. Did something happen? You seem... different."

"What? Different how?"

"Well, you're smiling to yourself and you haven't done that since that bitch hurt you."

My gut twisted at her words, remembering I couldn't eat or sleep for days when Ruby cheated on me.

"Nothing important, just smiling I guess."

"Well, I like it. Keep it that way." We both smiled and I nodded.

When I got home, I dropped my keys on the counter and layed in my bed. I didn't even shower or anything. I just felt sleepy for the first time in forever. My eyes were half closed now and they were just getting heavier.

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