Chapter 1: Just listen

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(This story is starting out as if the main character is talking or writing or however you want to see it, the character is a murderer, but since the whole premise of the book is trying to see inside her mind, she is, sometimes thinking like a normal person.)

Look, I know everyone loves Sherlock, I'm not denying that, but what about Moriarty? What about other fit villains who I can't be bothered to name? No one likes them. I mean a few people do. I do. Moriarty's like a 10.




No, wait.


Yeah seems about right. Well, where are all the Wattpad fanfics about Moriarty?

Ok. Maybe.

He is in it less.

Ok. Yes.

Sherlock's way fitter.


But where are my villains at? The villains who stab and maim their victims, but don't kill them until the victim has experienced every single type of pain known to mankind. The villains who torture and use weird-ass metal contraptions like Bond villains. I mean PEOPLE, where are the Jaws fanfics?

 I mean PEOPLE, where are the Jaws fanfics?

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Ok, bad example. He's a 5.


No, wait.





I don't think he's on my scale at all, to be honest.

Ugh, getting away from the point!

My name is M. It's weird, well it's not my real name, obviously, but I'm not giving you my real name. Eh, Sorry, not sorry. You see, it's a bit awkward because if I gave you my name, then you'd be able to find out all this stuff about me from newspapers and they tend to paint me in a bad light. I mean the headlines are a lot worse nowadays. It's the internet, makes people nasty and horrible.

Ok, just realised I'm a criminal on Wattpad.

Right, I should probably get to the point...

I'm a murderer.

NO. No. no.

Before you freak out and click off this story, I want you to hear me out ok? Just listen. I never wanted to be a murderer. By that I mean I'm not a physco.
Um, at least I think I'm not.
You see, I never wanted to kill people, hell, when I was younger I was squeamish at the sight of blood. I was always scared, petrified even of murderers as a kid, had anxiety at nights.

So. You may be thinking. What happened? I mean I went from 0 to 100 REAL QUICK.  Well, in fact, a lot of things happened. It's a long story actually.

Hope you enjoy the ride.



Hi! Hope you like this story so far, disclaimer, I'm not actually a murderer (or am I) but I just thought it would be interesting to impersonate one and go on a journey. This is an original story and also I would appreciate if you could vote and comment because they make my day.

Have a nice dayyy x

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