chapter one- im so tired

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hello lovely's I'm back with another fan fiction I hope you like it enjoy🥀🖤

Charlie's PoV-
hello! my names Charlie I'm 13 years old and I'm just your normal average girl I go to your normal public school with lots of drama and fights is a normal thing!
I hate school because i get bullied for being 'different' I have many mental health illnesses and I have very bad anxiety at the moment and people picking on my because I'm to skinny or I'm to normal or I've got two many cuts and bruises on my body but I can't help that I've got an abusive and horrible home it all started when my mam got a new boyfriend she's turned nasty and gets my step dad to abuse me whenever she likes they mock me for everything and I can't do anything in that home my life's a mess I just want to leave......
that's it I'm leaving tonight!!

amys PoV-
today is the southport show!
I'm so excited to perform it's the best venue and it's going to fun I love performing every night even though it can be tough it's my passion!
me and Ben do a number from our engagement  dance it's my favourite number because of how powerful and graceful it is I love Ben with my whole heart and he means the world to me
I see lots of people when we do meet and greet I love the presents and the smiling teenagers to adults who come from loads of different places even Germany!! the presents are wonderful I'm so grateful for receiving them and all of them are so talented!

bens PoV-
I sit down watching over as amy and Dianne singing there heart out to spice up your life by spice girls I take a sneaky video of them dancing and singing and put it on my Instagram and I chucked to myself watching it again god I love that woman, amy is my world I love her to bits she makes me so happy even though we have our moments were still strong as ever I can't wait to marry my best friend next summer amys so excited and so am I!

time skip- meet and greet surprise

Charlie's PoV-
abuse warning🚫
I get in after a horrific day at school I get smacked across the face for no reason I flinch and run upstairs
"GET BACK DOWN HERE CHARLIE NOW" I hear my step dad shout
"NO I HATE YOU" I shout sticking up for myself for once that was a mistake
he stormed up the stairs busting down my door and pulling my hair knocking me to the ground smacked against the wall he kicks me multiple times and then leaves chuckling to himself as he goes downstairs I pull myself up and look in my cracked mirror at my bleeding nose and massive bruises across my eyes and body I sigh and limp to the wardrobe collecting some clothes and folding them into my worn out bag I get a photo of my dad who sadly died 6 years today I miss him so much he saved me from my alcoholic mother who is drunk most nights I swear she drinks every day and night anyways I grab my valuables which isn't much but it's precious to me I climb out of the window and look back at the horrible house I called home and I ran as fast as I could away from it I could see it in the distance I smiled as I made it I'm free!
time skip- where am I?
I walk into a different town I see a sign....
Welcome to Southport town!
I smile knowing I'm far away from the home I once lived in I see a theatre I walk in
"Excuse me do you have the time" i ask this women at reception
"Are you okay you look hurt" the woman states clearly worried
"how old are you" she asks
"I can't tell you just tell me the time please" I say
"I won't until you tell me your age"she says I run down the stairs falling nearly I run through a door and....

amys PoV-
I see a girl around 13 she runs down the stairs flying through the door beside I run after it's hard to run in heals but I catch up she runs into our dressing room out panting she stops nearly falling over
"lovely sit down" I say taking her arm she collapses onto the chair
"Are you okay?" I ask
"Y-y-y-e-e-a-h" she stumbles out panting
"Stay here I'll let you a drink" I say getting some water
"Thank yo-u-u" she says taking small sips
"you stay here okay you can rest on the sofa it may be not very comfortable though" I say smiling softly she gives me a weak smile
"Thank you so much what is your name may I ask" she asks quietly
"my name is Amy Dowden" I say smiling I walk off shutting the door slowly

Charlie's PoV-
I walk over to the sofa and lay down the sofa just fits my body I slowly daze of into a deep sleep after the long crazy events today I need it.....

what will happen next for Charlie?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!🖤🥀

next chapter- how are you?.....

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