chapter five- you need to see this....

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hello my lovely's! I made that edit on the top and I'm soft🤧
anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter x

amys PoV-
I ran as fast as I could to Leanne's changing room I bang on the door and she runs and opens it.....
"Leanne can you come see this quick" I say grabbing her hand running to the changing room luckily she's still singing....
"listen to her" I say she puts her head to the door and smiles
"she's amazing should one of us walk in?" she says
"I vote Leanne to go in" I say
"everyone votes Leanne go girl" Dianne says as we watch her walk in and then we listen through the door.....

Charlie's PoV-
someone walks through the door and startled me stopping me singing.....
"Only me Charlie" Leanne says smiling
"sorry if my singing is horrible" I say looking down
"Charlie your voice is amazing my lovely i want to ask you something" she says
"What would you like to ask me?" I ask
"would you be willing to perform on stage with me?" She asks
"what would I perform?" I ask quietly
"well your rap song and we could make a number out of it?" She says
"I would love that but I'm scared people will judge me" I say
"They won't promise" she says smiling

time skip- an outstanding performance!

Charlie's PoV-
we go onto stage and amy and Chloe and Dianne are up on stage introducing me onto the stage of lots of teenagers mostly some old people dotted around I smile nervously as they all stare at the stage curiously.....
I start singing my song it goes abit like this.....
so many people I've seen who are loved
They have been so lucky in life
then I see the broken ones abused ones the ones who have no one in their life
abit like me in a way
I've seen so many people in my life time
they've let me down they've abused me
told me I am not good enough
told me I've failed
broke me down until breaking point
but with all that I've learned to live
live your life as if it's your own
keep your self happy
keep your self happy
keep your self happy
but most importantly keep loving
even if theirs nothing left someone will come
and keep you loved and happy
that will come around some time......

Time skip- that was wonderful.....

amys PoV-
"Charlie you smashed it!!!!" I say hugging her
"thanks though I think a lot didn't like it" she says
"they loved it I promise" I say smiling
"Are you sure?" She questioned
"yes even ask Leanne" I say
"it was so emotional and powerful Charlie is that story true?" Leanne asks
"I can't say" she says looking away
"it's okay Charlie" I say smiling
"I'm going to get dressed if that's okay" she says
"okay don't be long" I say as she walks off

Charlie's PoV-
I sit down on the chair next to me and hold my head in my hands thoughts rushing through my head blocking all the positive thoughts out....
it was rubbish
nobody liked it
it wasn't good
it wasn't wonderful
your rubbish at singing

I get dressed into a suit and tie trying to get the negative thoughts out my mind or I will go to my past comfort......
no. I can't do that again.
I smile as I walk in....
"Charlie you look amazing!" amy says smiling
then my stomach growls I haven't ate a proper meal in absolutely ages well never.....
"are you hungry Charlie?" dianne says
"no I'm fine honestly" I say
"do you have any fruit?" I ask quietly
"yes there's a bowl over there what's your favourite?" amy asks
"I love any fruit but I love grapes and bananas" I say
"Mine two!" amy says I high five her
I get some grapes and I banana and I sit next to dianne.....
"so what have we got next?" I ask
"Charlie can you dance?" amy asks
"I danced in my bedroom for basically all my life my bedroom was tiny but yet I could still make a strictly routine out of it" I say
"awh can I see you dance?" Amy asks
"well move the sofas I'm very scared sorry about that I'm just not ready to open up to you but I'll show you this routine I've learned all my life" I say
I get the music from the playlist 'skinny love' by birdy.....
I do the part that I love the most and then I show the end......
"wow Charlie your a beautiful dancer" amy says
"wow. Charlie" I hear from most people
"thanks guys I'm sorry I hope that I'm not a burden to you at all" I say
"no no no!! your wonderful company Charlie you are the sweetest girl and we love you" amy says smiling
"I really am grateful for everything that you have done for me" i say smiling
"lets go perform!!" Patrick says
"hands in!" Ben says as we all join hands in the middle and throwing them up in the air.....
"love you all so much" I say smiling

is Charlie going to overcome her fear? is she going to go back to past occurrences? leave your opinions down below!

Hello!! thank you for over 100 reads you little legends I love you all so much!
shout out to Youtubers-joanne and lmixer_ for giving me the confidence I love you both💘x

next chapter- let us in.....

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