chapter three- its hard but i know youll be okay....

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hello lasses I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope you enjoyed the last one! x

time skip- it's midnight where are you?!

amys PoV-
we're all wondering through southport searching every last inch for Charlie and she just isn't here we need to find her before something worse happens to her.....

bens PoV-
I'm worried about Charlie she hasn't been found yet and it's past midnight amy looks tired and stressed, well we all do but I'm determined to find her before the worse could happen....

charlie's PoV-
I'm dazed and cold I slowly stand up regretting that and fall back down hitting my head ouch
a man walks up to me....
"hello want some drugs to keep you warm" he asks
"No thank you I'm trying to keep away from them after my mam and step dad" I say walking away
"okay but you can get a sample for free anytime" he says
I slowly stumble through the streets of southport dimly lit streets guiding me through my vision becomes blurred and I can't see properly I slowly become dazed and start falling then

chloe's PoV-
I see a girl around the age of Charlie on the floor....
"GUYS COME HERE CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!!" I shout they all start rushing over

amys PoV-
I see her on the floor and I straight panic.
I stand frozen in one spot my hole body quivering at the sight....

time skip- big reasoning.....

charlie's PoV-
I slowly wake up with a brown haired girl by my side holding my cold hand hooked up with many many many wires and injections I slowly panic.....
"where am I" I mumble to myself
i scan the room looking at the empty seats and cubicles around be I look over at the women obviously been up most the night but why? why for me I'm just a nuisance? I try unhook myself so I can get up and get onto a drip and I stand slowly keeping from being dizzy I walk out the doors trying to find the toilets....
"Excuse me nurse?" I ask quietly
"Yes what would you like?" She says
"Where is the women's toilets?" I ask
"Round the corner to the left" she says smiling
"Thank you" I say smiling weakly
I push the door and I try get all my wires out the way......
time skip- how did you.....
I walk back through seeing all the emergency's unfold there's drama and everything I grab a magazine and a tea and walk back to my cubicle to see the brown haired girl still asleep then I came to me....
I sit back on the chair next to the bed because dam them beds are uncomfortable and I read my magazine ever so often I look over and amy who looks very tired and deserves all the sleep i see doctors and nurses working at many different people i feel like I don't belong here after all of these people I've saw....
a doctor walks over interrupting my thoughts
"How did you do that?" He asks
"did what?" I say in confusion
"you have had very severe pneumonia and bruises all over your body and your sitting there with a magazine and a cup of tea that's miraculous!" He says
"well I'm just very strong!"
amy slowly wakes up startled and confused I look over and smile
"you okay amy?" I ask
"yes but most importantly are you okay!!"she says smiling softly
"yes I'm good actually" I say
"I can't believe I slept through you waking up" she says looking down at her feet
"hey amy it's okay that you were asleep you obviously needed it" I said
"when can I leave" I asked quietly
"We just need to observe you overnight then you can go" the doctor says
"Okay thank you" i day as he walks away
"amy can I stay with you?" I ask quietly
"Of course!! we love you Charlie" she says I smile
"I really thought you had died! please don't do that again" she says
"okay I will" I say reading my magazine

What will happen next for Charlie and amy leave your suggestions down below!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter thanks for reading!!💖💓💘💕💞

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