Christmas Presents - Episode 5

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Third POV

Kawaii~chan walks into the kitchen of IHop. "Today has been so busy," she sighs, "Kawaii~chan guesses it's because of the holiday season.. but still this lunch rush is insane." She walks over to her window, "Oh! Looks like a new customer walked in! Is he sitting at Kawaii~chan's table? OH! He is!" She walks out to go serve him.

As she looks up, she sees someone she has always desired. "Welcome to I- hot!" she screams as she runs away.


Y/n's POV

I walk to the couch, holding hot cocoa and a book. I yawn and start to drink my cocoa, enjoying my evening. "I got my book, my cocoa, it's snowing outside!" I sigh, "This is day is going to be perfect! I can already tell-" I was cut off by the door opening.

"Y/n~senpai! T-the pink hunk came to IHop." Kawaii~chan sobbed. "But Y/n~senpai.. Kawaii~chan wants to ask you something."

"Uh.. sure!" I respond.

"Help Kawaii~chan get Reese a present for the holidays?" Kawaii~chan asked.

"Only if you get Aph to go."

Kawaii~chan nods and heads upstairs.


Aphmau walked downstairs, upset, and grabbed her purse. I smile at her and walk to the car.


We walk inside the mall as Aphmau sighs.

"We finally made it, jeez.." I smile at her.

"Uh, Kawaii~chan.. do you even know his name?" I ask.

Kawaii~chan stops in her tracks.

Aph and I laugh. "Reese," Aphmah responds, "His name is Reese."

Kawaii~chan starts walking back into the mall.


As we walk out of Tracy's, I see Kawaii~chan struggling to hold her gifts. Aphmah grabs a cart and sets the bags inside. I laugh and continue walking.

The three of us walk into Cool Topics.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, "Noone I know would enjoy this stuff.." I start to question.

"Actually, Katelyn likes some animes, Garroth loves 'My Neighbor Kokoro', and Zane..." she trails off, "he lives and breathes this store."

I blush a little and look around for presents. I already got a Levi sweater for Aph, and a volleyball for Katelyn, seeing as she lost hers in the move.

I walked out of the store real quick to look around and saw a lounge space. Walking past, I saw Laurence sitting at a table. "Hey Laurance!" I say, walking up to him.

"Hey Y/n! What are you doing here?" Laurance asked.

"I was here with Kawaii~chan and Aph.. but I walked away to look for a better shop option then.. Cool Topics," I respond.

Laurance got out of his seat. "I'll help you look!"

I giggled. "Okay, but that just means I'm not buying your gift today!"

He smiles and nods, while leading me to PJCennys.


I walk up to the cologne and smell a few. "Which one would Dante like?" I ask Laurance.

Laurance laughs, "Do you think he smells bad?"

I blush, "N-no!" I smile, "I just thought he might need a little help winning over KC."

"H-how did you know?!" Laurance asked, flustered.

I didn't know.. I just didn't want Kawaii~chan with Zane. "Oh you know, just a hunch," I laugh and grab a cologne. It smells like... cologne.


"Hey Y/n?" Laurance looked at me, blushing.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"There's this new restaurant opening on Telm Road.. wanna go and check it out?" He asked.

I slightly blushed, "You mean Garden Olive? Sure- I mean.. I'd love to."

He nodded and waved goodbye.


While walking back to Cool Topic, I spot a small CoPet. I walk in, deciding to give the kitties a little look.

I found a purple and black cat sitting near the glass. I put my hand on the glass and the kitty walks up and places its hand there. I immediately buy it.


Once we got home, the three of us went to our own rooms. When I got to mine, I dumped out all the presents I got on my bed and let kitty walk around.

"I guess I should name you, huh?" I ask. The kitty meows.

I look at her, "How about Luna?" Luna purrs.

I laugh and nod, "Luna it is!"

I turned to all the presents on my bed. A cologne for Dante, Levi sweater for Aph, a volleyball for Katelyn, cherry tree saplings for Kawaii~chan, the new ipod for Garroth, and the limited edition Pinkie Cake for Zane.

I sit down and start to wrap the presents when someone knocks on my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I call.

"...Zane," I hear. I nodded, seeing as his present is already wrapped.

"Come in! But don't let anyone else in and shut the door behind you!" He does as asked and comes in.

He sits down next to me, "Need some help?"

I nod, "I'd appreciate that."

Zane grabs Aph's hoodie and begins to wrap. "So," he began, "What's with the cat?" Zane asked. I look at Luna and she jumps on the bed.

"She's cute, like you," he mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing. Anyways, I heard there was a new place opening up. I was wondering if you wanted to go."

"Zane.. I'm going there with Laurance this Saturday."

"Wait no not the restuarant! The new cafe, Stardollars. Garroth, Aph, and I are going... and I don't wanna third wheel."

"Sure! I'll go," I nod.

Zane blushes, "Awesome."


After a while of wrapping, we went downstairs to make cupcakes.

"Zane! The sugar isn't supposed to go in yet!" I scream, watching him put sugar in with eggs.

Zane stops and looks at me, "Oh well." He then continues.

I giggle and continue making the cupcakes with him. After a but, Luna came down too.

"Aw, who's a pretty girl," Zane was petting Luna. She purred and stayed near him.

"Luna~ come to mommy," I say. She purrs and comes over to me in response. Zane scoffed and I laughed.

He's kinda cute when he's upset.

Authors Note

1009 words!

Zane is so cuteee eee

Also, you aren't falling for Laurance. Laurance likes you... hehe

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