Mistletoe Wars - Episode 6

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Laurence's POV

Garroth and I are like brothers. It's almost unreal how close we are. We love sitting on the couch everyday and just talk about things going on in our lives. I told him all about how Y/n and I are going on a date, and he was proud.

Things were chill, until Dante walked past us with a suspicious look.

"Dante!" I yell, "What are you doing?"

He freaks and runs to his room, quickly shutting the door behind him. Garroth gets up and we walk over to his room. Then, out of nowhere, Garroth breaks the door down.

I immediately noticed something in Dante's hand. I rush to grab it.

"You little... what were you hiding." I read the letter addressed to us, only to see it was an invite.

"You're invited to our pre-holiday holiday party! Feel free to bring a plus one! Friday night at our place, see you there!" I read it out loud, "xoxo, Y/n."

I blushed and stared. Dante scoffed and took the paper back from my grasp.

"Tomorrow night will be my chance to finally steal your girl," he says.

I look at him, flustered and confused. "First of all, you like KC. Second of all, what are you even talking about."

"Easy. It's a Christmas party, thus meaning there will be a mistletoe. Besides, I like the taste of sweet revenge a lot more."

I'm startled. At this point, we've lost Garroth. He's probably thinking about Aphmau. But me? I'm thinking about Y/n.

"Remember a few days ago when I said you must keep your cool Laurence? Yeah, the reason I've got this in the bag is because you've already lost it," he mocks me. I scoff and leave his room.

There's no way I'm gonna mess this up tomorrow.


Y/n's POV (Friday Night)

Stressed out, I'm making the meal before everyone comes over. I look at Katelyn, who has been watching me cook for the past twenty minutes.

"Katelyn! Could you at least help us!" I scream.

"This is your party, not mine," she responds.

I tear up. I cannot stand the stress of setting up for a party. I rush to take the turkey out of the oven when I hear a knock on the door.


"Hey!" Laurence exclaims once I open the door.

I blush. "Hey," I respond with a smile on my face. He leans in for a hug and I hug him back. It's really nice that he showed up.

Not but ten minutes after that, everyone seemed to show up one by one.

I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water before returning to the party, when Dante came up behind me.

"Hey mamas!" I turn around and see him leaned against the wall.

"Hey?" I say, honestly concerned.

He comes closer and grabs my hand. "Girl you smell like trash."

I punch him in the arm without hesitation. "I'll kill you," I respond.

"Ow! I was just gonna ask if I could take you out!" he exclaimed. I laughed loudly.

"You're so funny!" I laugh, sarcastically, as he walks out sadly.


As I walk out of the kitchen with a refreshing glass of water, I see Aph talking to Garroth and Laurence. Aph had that look on her face that said she was fangirling, and Garroth looked like he was desperately trying to come up with solutions. Laurence looked a little freaked out, so I decided to hop over and see what was going on.

"What's going on?" I say and then I take a sip of my water. Everyone froze and looked at me.

"N-nothing!" Laurance rushed, "We were just talking about how lovely you ladies decorated for this party."

I spit out the water in my mouth and scoffed. "Yeah right! My sister was fangirling so hard! You guys were not just talking about the decorations that, by the way, Aph did not help with!" I added the extra bit at the end for some pettiness and giggled so she understood it was only a joke.

Laurence froze and got up. Aph giggled and Garroth was just watching her, looking like he was totally in love. Laurence ushered me away and sat me down in the dining room.

"What's wrong?" I ask, now slightly worried.

"Nothing's wrong," he grinned, "I just wanted to pull you in here and give you your gift."

I heard the doorbell ring in the back and Aph yell that she got it. Then I turned back to Laurence and grinned as he pulled a small box from his jacket. He opened it to be a beautiful necklace with a small silver cat charm on the end. I gasped.

"This is so pretty! Thank you so much!" I hugged him.

When I was hugging him I opened my eyes, only to see Zane standing there staring at us in shock. He didn't see me looking, however, cause he stayed in shock and dropped the bag in his hand. I softly pulled away from Laurence and went to walk towards Zane. He noticed me get up and ran towards the door.

I run after him in response. I knew I shouldn't, but I felt like I needed to. "Zane, wait!" I scream out the door. He stops and is standing in front of the porch facing away from me. "Please.. just wait," I add.

He looks at me and I can tell he started to tear up. I walk towards him and give him a hug. He hugs me back. "I love you," I whisper soft enough so he couldn't hear.


Zane's POV

I couldn't stand seeing her hugging Laurence. I felt so much jealousy rise in me that I started to run away. I dropped her gift in the living room and left it where it was. 

She chased after me and yelled for me.

"Zane, wait!" She screamed out the door. I stopped in front of the porch, standing in my own shame. "Please.. just wait," she added. I turned to look her in the eyes. I noticed she was about to cry, but so was I.

She came and gave me a hug. I felt like the whole world had paused and we were the only two people left on Earth. It felt so perfect to be here in the moment. Then I heard her whisper, "I love you."

I pull her tighter and whisper back, "I've always loved you."


Authors Note:

1065 words!

It's been so long omg .. I'm so sorry! I'm gonna try and get this back on the road cause I have a newfound passion for writing again!

How are you all :) make sure you drink some water and stay healthy!

[Based off of Mystreet Season 1 Episode 8]

{Art NOT by me, all rights reserved}

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