Change your mind

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"My father....Endeavor.....caused all of it..."

As those words slip out of his mouth, my whole world crashed before my eyes.
"You're playing with me aren't you?" I forced a smile.

"Izuku..I guarantee  you that it was him.." Shoto placed both his hands together, as if he were to pray to me.

"I don't know if I should trust you..." I said, backing away.

"You don't believe me? Huh?" He said, gritting his teeth viciously.

"I don't...." I said, whispering.

"I saw you and two looked so happy with each other....explain that...and Jirou...the poor girl was crying and felt the same way as me!" I said, yelling at him.

"..." Shoto spoke no more. He had a look of anger on his face.

He grabbed my wrist, and dragged me out of the park.  What is he doing?! I grit my teeth, then squirming. This is unexpected. This isn't Todoroki. Well, for now-

"Where the hell are you taking me!?" I asked, then pulling.

Shoto was still quiet. He looked down ahead of the street, then crossing it, with me in his grip.  I struggled. I hit his arm, over and over again. "Let me go!!" I said, irritated. Shoto finally let go. He covered his face as he turned away from me.
"I'm done with this Shoto... I can't with you anymore... you don't know what you're saying... get some sleep..." I said, then turning my back at him.
Shoto started to cry quietly, his tears streaming down to the palms of his hands.
I ignored.
I felt something.
I felt sympathy.
He has to make up his mind.
I hate being confused about situations like these.
I shook my head and started to walk away from the weeping Shoto.
I grit my teeth as I held my chin up high. C'mon Izuku. Fight the tears as well. Don't be a cry baby. Don't be a Deku. Like what Kacchan said.

-At Home-
I returned home by 9:30 pm. I locked my door, throwing my sneakers off. If someone asks me to go on a date. I would reject them for now. This is why I don't necessarily date this fast.
As I was dozing off, I missed at least 10 calls from Uraraka. I wonder what she wants now...
"Izuku! Oh my gosh! Finally!" Uraraka said.
"Finally what?"
"Finally... uh... did you and Shoto make up yet?" Uraraka asked, muttering at the end.
"Let's just say it took a turn..." I wiped my face.
"Wait so.... you aren't together with him then?"
"Yeah...please don't spread it out... I'm sick and tired of wrong news about rumors...." I replied sourly.
"Jeez... okay.... I'll see you tomorrow th-"
"I'm not going to school tomorrow..."
"What?! Izuku! You never missed school.... EVER!" Uraraka technically yelled in my ear.
"I know... I know... in this type of scenario I just can't be around Shoto." I
"I feel ya... I'll send you your homework then... good night broccoli..." Uraraka sighed.
"Night mocha..." I said then ending the call.
I dropped my phone and turned on the TV. There's no way I'm putting on the news again. I guess I'll tell my mom to cancel the channel at least. Heck! I won't even go on YouTube!

-The next morning-

Forget what I said to Uraraka last night. I'm. GOING. TO. SCHOOL. Weather or not my conscious likes it or not. I don't want to miss anything important!
I sprung out of bed, getting my clothes off. Made myself and egg sandwich and off I went off to school.
"Is that the Izuku Midoriya?" I heard a familiar voice.
"The one and only." She winked at me playfully.
"Holy cow! You're attending my school?!" I asked in shock.
"Hell yeah I am! I convinced my mom and dad it's the perfect school for me and my quirk! Natsumie will attend the school once she's a bit older..." Eden gave a smiled. I can't believe it! My day has gotten better!
Eden and I passed hallways together. Talking and laughing. Once we got to class 1-A. All my friends/students eyes landed on me. Oh no. What now?!
They should be focusing on Eden!
"Um... meet Eden guys!" I cleared my throat.
They gave a quick smile to Eden and waved. It didn't last long. Then they shot their eyes towards me. They looked threatening. Shoto was there. But he didn't dare to look at me.
"So I'm the bad guy now?" I said then looking at the class.
"We never said anything-" Kirishima said but I interrupted him.
"Words don't matter but facial expressions do!" I bit the inside of my cheek.
I want to cry but I'm fighting it. I know it's not good for my heart.
"Izuku... want to take a walk?" Eden spoke up. I gave a nod as we both made our way out of the class.
"Is your class always like that?" Eden asked.
"No.... but I know why..."
"It's because of what Shoto probably told them about last night..." I said, then putting my hands onto my face.
"I can put him into his place for you..." The purpled hair friend of mine cracked her knuckles. I waved a hand at her.
"No.. no.... no need for that.. but thanks." I smiled slightly.
"IZUKU! WAIT UP!" I heard Momo.
What does she want now?
"I need to tell you something..." She caught her breath as she stopped beside me.
"Is it another stupid thing that Endeavor decided to come with?" I crossed my arms.

"Shoto and I aren't dating. Well for the most part. I'm dating Jirou. But Endeavor is forcing Shoto and I to date. He's coming up with something that I don't think is going to end well...."

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