Who cares... right?

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I turned to see the fowl man standing. Endeavor.
I felt my body turn cold.
I heard a pot drop in the kitchen. I turn my head to see Shoto being the one to drop it. It made a mess on the white tilted floor.
"Shoto! You made a mess!" Fuyumi fuzzed. She grabbed a rag and started to clean it up.
"What are you doing here?" Shoto said, venom being poured out of his sentence.
"I'm just here to see our guest... I thought you'd invite that other cute one... what was her name? Oh right... Momo Yayorozou (is that how you spell it? I'm too lazy to search it up 😂 sorry!)." Endeavor said, glaring at Shoto.
Shot gave a cold stare at Endeavor.
I sat there, feeling my heart throb viscously. Why am I feeling so nervous? I barely know Endeavor but for the most part I know he's really bad...
"She didn't want to come father... she had important things to do than come to a dinner full of schemes... or should I say lies?" Shoto said as his hands formed into tight fists.
"You should of forced her... I don't know why you brought this poor little brat with you!" Endeavor said, roaring at Shoto.
Dabi and Fuyumi looked at each other.
"Um... dad-"
The house went quiet.
Rei didn't seem to do anything because she'd knew that she'd mess up pretty badly once again.
"Enji... please don't yell..." Rei said softly.
"Shut up you piece of nothing (yeah I'm not gonna curse :/)."
Dabi got up from the chair next to me.
"Why won't you leave the house you piece of garbage? You have nothing better to do than yell, earn money, create a sh*t hold of business!" Dabi said sourly.
He turned to me. A death stare.
"I'm not letting this brat turn my son into a pink loving sh*t head. I know that Shoto and Momo will get married as SOON AS THEY GRADUATE. You'll be cleaning the floors soon Izuku Midoriya. Then you'll be on your knees begging for my son to give you money... and he's not going to listen to you..." Endeavor said straight to my face, slamming the door as he left the house.
Fuyumi covered her mouth and looked at Dabi, Shoto, and then I.
"Izuku I-"
"No need to be sorry... I'll just leave." I said, cutting off Shoto.
I smiled weakly.
My chest felt heavier than before. It was hard to breath.
Rei looked at me worriedly.
"Why won't you stay? I'm sure you're hungry...after a long day...." She said in a sweet tone of voice.
"I... f-fine..." I bit my lip weakly.
"Where's y-your bathroom?" I asked, my voice starting to crack.
"Upstairs to the right hun." Fuyumi said as she picked up the rag off the floor.
I nodded and sped walked to the stairs. I rushed up the stair and bolted to the bathroom. I closed it quietly and locked it.
I let my emotions pour out.
Tears streamed down my face slowly, as I slid down against the door.
My stomach started churning as it didn't feel like a good feeling at all.
I feel sick and empty.
"Why is the world against me? Am I not perfect?" I whispered against my sleeves.
There was a faint knock on the door.
"Izuku?" Shoto called out.
I took a moment to pull myself together.
"Yes... Shoto?" I said, rubbing my temples with the tips of my fingers.
I'm losing it right now...
I sighed and opened the door.
"Can we talk?" Shoto asked concernedly.
I nodded slightly as I let him step in.
"Sorry about my father..." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Is it true?" My voice started to crack once again.
"What's true?"
"Is it true... t-that Momo... and you... are going to get m-married when we graduate?" I covered my mouth fast as I looked up at him.
Shoto was shot silent.
"I was just here to.... say... that dinner is served..." Shoto looked at the ground as he flipped his hair to the side.
"...." I grit my teeth.
"Stop ignoring me..." I roughly grabbed his shoulder.
He looked away from me. He feels guilty... I can tell.
"I understand I'm not perfect for your silver spoon family of yours..." I let go of him.
"Tell your mom that it was nice for her to give me dinner... I have to go to work late anyways." I said to him as I looked down at my watch.
As I walked out of the bathroom, Shoto grabbed my wrist and shoved me against the wall.
"What the h-hell!" I grunted.
Wahhhh now my back is going to hurt later.
Shoto places a hand on the wall besides my head.
He leaned in closely.
"I brought you here for a reason Izuku." He said, his eyes focusing on my emerald ones.
"So why's that?" I answered.
"I wanted you to meet my family... the nice side of my family." He added.
"I think I just met them already.." I muttered at he fact Endeavor was the one to screw things up.
"You're going to be moving in with me..." Shoto interrupted my thoughts.
My jaw flew open.
"W-What?!" I glared up at him.
Why is he doing this?! I'm perfecting living with my mom. I mean sure we're struggling with rent and all... but isn't it going to be weird moving into the Todoroki household unexpectedly?!
This getting fishy.
"Why?" I asked him.
"It's for the best." He said.
"This isn't true... why are you wanting me to meet your family?" I asked toxically.
"I mean who cares right? I'm going to be cleaning floors before you know it! But I'm not! I'm going to be earning my masters and I'm out of here!" I yelled at him.
"Eat sh*t!" I waved a hand at him.
I'm not thinking correctly. I'm so outraged I want to scream to the world.
"You're so cute when you're mad..." He smirked slightly.
"Wipe that ugly smirk off your face please?!" I hissed at him.
"Izuku you realize I love you? Not for your attitude but for who you are." Shoto said firmly.
I stopped blabbering.
"I'm going to be marrying you once we're out of high school this year and once we get into college... I'll be running my father's business... over throwing that b*stard..." Shoto said, coldly.
Did I hear that right?
What the hell?!!!
"Okay okay... this is happening WAY to fast...." I said, placing my hand over my forehead.
"I know it is." Shoto said.
Me marrying Shoto? I mean... I have to regain my love for him first of all. Then... I have to get into college. But... can't Shoto make me the Vice President of that industry? Who knows?
"Shoto, listen. I'll give you a second chance. Take me on a date..." I said, putting my hands onto my hips.
"Really?" His expression changed.
"Yeah. Meet me at the Blossom Dojo at 9 o'clock. I'll be out by then." I said, smiling slightly.
"I have to go now." I said as I made sure my keys were in my pocket.
Shoot... I'll have to run home and get my skates... and my apron.... hopefully Mina has a spare of skates in the employee room... and an apron...
I waved my hand at Shoto.
He blocked the door from letting me out.
Shoto tapped his finger against his cheek.
"Oh you want a kiss?" I gave a small grin.
He just smirked for an answer.
I planted a kiss onto his cheek gently.
"See ya." I gently shoved him to the side to let me out.
He laughed in response.
Something tells me we're going to make an odd couple.
And not only that....

Something tells me...

Endeavor is going to come back and make things worse....

A/N: Hello fellow readers! Oh my gosh I'm updating! :O yeah I am. I'll be busy because my soccer tryouts, and marching band practices are next week... then my birthday too... I hope you've enjoyed this short-ish chapter ^_^  I might do a double update if I'm feeling up to it... anyways... CHOW <3
- Elle chan~

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