I'm Hers

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Woo's Playlist Song #1
Wrong- MAX ft. Lil Uzi Vert


(Jada's POV)

The bouncer stared down at me with thick shades. His brows furrowed as he stared, but he let out a scoff as he fumbled with his belt. Pulling out a ring of keys, he was going through each one. "Hmm." He turned his back to me, and I caught a glimpse of a familiar symbol on the back of his shirt.

A serpent.

My ears perked up at the sound of the door unlocking. "Don't touch anything that you shouldn't be touching in there." I almost jumped at the serious tone in his voice. Did something happen earlier or something? Or is it just a stupid rule of his? Whatever it was, I just gave him a short nod before walking into the velvet room.

My eyes scanned the room, and I gulped at the sight. A red, dim light was the only thing that kept the area lit. It almost looked like a standard bedroom, except the bed in the middle of the room was heart-shaped. Behind me, the bouncer slammed the door shut, and I could have sworn that he locked it.

Slowly looking forward once again, my eyes met the tall Asian woman, who was staring down at a closed closet. Woo held a tight smile before she turned her attention to me. Forming a slight fist, I kept a close eye on the woman as she turned her body in my direction. She didn't dare to move a muscle.

"So, you actually came." She raised one eyebrow and held a sly smirk. "I didn't think you would since you were hanging out with your little girlfriend." Her head tilted to the side ever so slightly.

"V isn't my girlfriend." My arms crossed tightly as I glared at the woman.

"Considering on how possessive she was, I'm pretty sure that she is." Finally, she moved from her spot and began to approach me. My heartbeat rose with every step that she took, but that didn't stop me from glaring up at the abnormally tall woman. "Oh, don't tell me. Are you still hooked up on hating yourself?"

What was she trying to get at? Is she trying to get under my nerves?

"I don't hate myself." I growled when she finally stopped in front of me. From our height difference, I almost had to look straight up at this woman, and it became irritating. She towered over me with a small grin. "Besides, she's only acting like that because she's drunk."

Her head tilted slightly, and she only shook her head with a soft chuckle. "You're crazy. You really can't see that she's into you."
Vivian being into me? The girl is clingy, and maybe a little too friendly towards me, but that doesn't mean she's into me. There has been too many incidents that I have fallen for a friendly straight girl. God, I hate that kind of heartbreak.

"Whatever. It's not like it would work between us." My eyes trailed down as I crossed my arms tightly when she moved closer. Even when I tried to look away, I could feel her presence pulling me back. "I.. I'm not really looking for something too committal right now." 

"Is it because of that slut?" I bit the bottom of my lip hard at who she was referring to. "Are you going to stray onto her path, Morris?"

"Of course not! Who the hell do you think I am?" I immediately snapped back. If she thought that I was going to do the same thing that Camilla did to me, then she is going straight to hell for it. That bitch led me on for a whole year, and she gave no shits about our promise and my heart. I'm not like that heartless whore.

"Then what do you want?" Our eyes lingered on each other for a good second, and I could hear my own heartbeat under the silence between us. "I see the way you look at me, and the way that you move around me. Not even just me.. I've seen how you and that girl interacted with one another. You're desperate for love. You don't want to admit that you want someone to love you so badly."

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