Beginning- Chapter 1

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Hero hugged herself to keep warmth as the rain trickled down her face. The corset was squeezing her abdomen so much she swore she could cough up blood. However, there was no more time to be wasted for misery. It was good luck that the rain had blended with her tears, since coming back from her husband's burial.

Death loved his company.

Hero lifted her hood as the rain poured down even harder. Her cape was soaked with water and wine. The funeral had not gone well, and resulted in a catastrophe, which is how her cape had the scent of wine.

"My husband was a brilliant man! How dare you say that!", Hero screamed at the lady who made the witty, but quite mean comment about her husband. The lady made a face, "Your husband was an idiot who made you seem like you weren't the most dull and poor girl here. Now leave my presence." she said getting up. Hero grabbed the lady's wine and splashed it on her.

"Don't you ever say that again you-", Hero was cut off when someone had picked her up and threw her into a wine barrel. Hero shook herself off and rubbed her eyes to see the lady laughing and walking away as if something terribly funny happened. Hero got herself out of the barrel and stood on her knees crying her eyes out.

The red faded from her cape, and soon became dull much like herself. Her tangled brown hair knotted in her face, causing her to stumble across a branch. It snapped startling Hero, and so she fell on the paper grass. Hero, with no desire to live anymore, rolled over on to her back and clamped her fingers together. A small light shone, and curiously, Hero picked herself up and began to crawl towards it. To her realization, it was a small factory. Half of her face was smothered with mud and tears, and she was afraid whomever was there would not accept her for it. She arrived in front of a door, and she stood up. Hero clutched the hem of her dress with one hand, and pounded the door with the other.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?", she shouted. The door creaked open, and Hero jumped back. Hero slowly crept in, her hands shaking with fear and excitement. She soon froze as she approached a man breaking a young girl's jaw. He appeared to be jamming strings into her arms and back. The young girl was sobbing from the great deal of pain this unknown man was causing her. He pulled his hands away from her, causing her to jerk as he did so. The man flashed a weary smile, and turned his attention to Hero.

"Pardon me, I'm Owen Dark, and who are you?", he asked his voice light and soothing. Hero had just noticed the worried look in his eyes. She coughed and just as she was about to speak, Owen interrupted.

"I cannot see any strings...", he said as he walked to Hero. He hugged her, "You must be a Dollmaker as well!"

Hero pushed him away, unsure of what he was talking about. She shifted her eyes to the side, blush growing on her face. Owen tilted his head like a confused puppy, and then raised one of his hands to bring in Teresa.

A frail girl wrapped in bandages walked in oddly. A long scar-like mistake ran across her face from her cheek to her forehead. Teresa stood beside Owen, the creepy smile stuck like glue to her face no matter what you did or said. Hero wondered why she looked like that, and why she walked strangely. However, Hero could not take her eyes off of Owen, for he was very handsome. Then again, who is she to think such thoughts? Did she not just come back from a funeral? Hero had never seen anyone quite like Owen. He had eyes that pierced through Hero's soul. The frail girl seemed somewhat attached to Owen, and carried a large and fairly blood stained scythe in her hand.

"Not to be rude, but you never did tell me your name.", Owen asked interrupting Hero's thoughts. Hero's fingers shook vigorously.

"H-Hero, sir. May I ask who are you?", she replied stuttering. Owen stared blankly at Hero for a moment, didn't he already introduce himself? He gave the slightest hint of a smile.

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