Trailing Thoughts- Chapter 5

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Hero paced around the room trying to figure out a way to escape without anyone else noticing. Max was still there prancing around happily. Barks of laughter rung through Hero's ears. She peeked a glance at Max. She couldn't help but wonder why this boy seemed so cheerful. This place was too stagnant for a boy like him.

And perfect for a lady like herself.

Max caught Hero looking at him and he sashayed over to her. He scanned her up and down with his eyes. Max grabbed the neckline of her dress and glanced downwards. Hero smacked his face away forcibly.

"YOU ILL-MANNERED DELINQUENT!", she screeched. Max massaged his cheek and sighed.

"Such a disappointment, there wasn't anything to look at-"

"Learn your etiquette, boy!", she said picking up the neckline. She scowled crossing her arms over her chest. Max ignored her assumptions that he had no manners. He lifted up the bottom of her dress, and she kicked him away.

"I thought that perhaps you-"

"Max, you don't treat our guests like that. Master Owen will be upset.", Teresa stated from behind him. Max hopped to his feet, his hands shaking. Hero clutched Max's arm. "It's alright he's just a b-boy.", she stuttered. Teresa laughed a fake laugh that caused Hero to cringe inwardly. Teresa snatched Max from Hero gripping his shirt.

"Let me go you insane-", Max was cut off from a pain in his leg. Teresa hadn't done anything but his leg ached. Hero grasped Teresa's arm, "He didn't do anything wrong. Please let him go."

Teresa loosened her grip on Max, and she turned her attention to Hero. Hero gulped, terrified. Teresa swung her leg up high slamming it into Hero's face. Hero hit the ground with a loud thud, but she picked herself up. Her arms wobbled, however she was going to hit back.

Max slipped the dagger out of his boot. Using his free hands he grabbed the dagger and began to saw off Teresa's fingers, one by one.

Teresa shrieked, pulling away from Max. Despite what Hero said about not harming anyone, she was going to hit Teresa back. Max crawled over to Teresa, her fingers in his hands. She reached out for them, but was being held back by Hero.

"OWEN!", Teresa screamed, struggling against Hero's grip. She rammed her elbow into Hero's abdomen. Teresa managed to hit the exact same spot where Hero was stabbed only a week ago.

Hero's grip detached and she fell back hugging herself in pain.

Max averted his eyes to Hero and he pulled on Teresa's arm bringing her down. Her head met the floor first and she batted her eyelashes. Max pinned her down, making sure she couldn't move at all. He held the dagger close to her throat, his lips close to her ear.

"I win this time, deary.", he breathed. Teresa winced but was completely relieved when out of the corner of her eye she saw Owen rushing in.

"Teresa? You alright-", he saw Hero and immediately skipped past Teresa kneeling next to Hero.

"Hero!", he said cupping her face in his hands. Hero removed her hands from her abdomen, and she fell forwards into Owen. He gently picked her up, she was surprisingly light. Hero scrambled, falling back down out of Owen's arms. Owen gave Max a long hard stare, "What are you doing?"

Max knew the exact excuse.

He hopped off of Teresa handing over her fingers. Max eyed Owen, "I wanted to see if-"

"Never mind, I don't want to know.", Owen said putting a hand over Max's mouth. Hero had her hand on her forehead. Her head throbbed and she had no idea why.

"Teresa, how come your fingers are in the palm of your hand?", Owen asked suspiciously, holding Teresa's hand. Teresa grinned mentally. "Max and Hero were trying to hurt me.", she answered innocently. This was Teresa's way of saying, don't mess with me.

Owen's brows furrowed in befuddlement. "Hero wouldn't ever do something like that.", he argued. "Don't lie to me Teresa." Hero's ears were half alive, but could still hear what was going on. "It's not going to work.", she said under her breath. She looked over at Max, "Max.."

Max just brushed through his hair with his fingers. "Owen, Hero didn't do anything. She just happened to be there at the wrong time."

Teresa glared at Max, a deadly look in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Owen, hoping he'd have pity on her. Owen sighed, "Max, please leave, and Hero,", he paused, "I'd like to speak with you in private."

Hero rose from the ground and nodded. She followed him into the room she was given the day before. Teresa still held onto Owen her eyes boring into Hero.

"I'm going to sew your fingers back on, Teresa, however while I do I will be talking to Hero.", Owen said, the usual sweet sound gone. He set her on Hero's bed, stretching her arms out to where her hands were in front of Owen. Hero waited patiently behind him. Her wound still hurt, but she was going to put up with it.

"What really happened?", Owen asked. Hero blinked a couple times and looked away. "I want to tell you but I can't."

"What can't you tell me?", Owen exclaimed before taking a deep breath, "I trust you Hero, I really do but why can't you tell me what happened? Are you afraid of something? Is there something bothering you?"

"T-Teresa...she...she...", Hero tried to finish her sentence but couldn't. In the long silence Hero created, Owen completed his task. Teresa's fingers were back on. He turned his attention to Hero again.

"I know that Teresa may seem like she wants to hurt you, but she has good intentions. She just wants me to be safe, and I admire that about her. I promise you she won't hurt you again.", he reassured her. Owen smiled meekly hugging Hero.

"There's nothing to worry about.", Owen whispered. Hero pushed him away still confused.

"What about Max? Why is she always hurting him?", Hero shouted. Teresa sat up her hair falling down her back perfectly.

"I apologize for any harm I have done you. I hope you will forgive me.", she smiled, "Max is very aggravating and I have a temper to watch out for." Owen nodded and squeezed Hero tighter.

"See? You're perfectly fine here.", he said loudly as he let go of Hero. Hero still didn't believe him but put on the act that she did. She thanked him quietly before they left her room.

"I still don't know what to think."

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