Homecoming- Chapter 12

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Nestled asleep enclosed in silk-like sheets, Hero was lost in the world of memorable experiences, called dreams.

It seemed as if the walls here hastily caving in, looking like the blood of past victims consuming Hero in her dormancy. The canopy resembled the bony fingers of Death himself, cradling the bed with gentle care. Her last breath was not near, but soon to come. The illusion was too great to fade away.

Known for the most odd phenomena, Winefield was ideal hunting ground for Death. Whether it was quiet plantations, or the bustling city, shattered souls were everywhere. Each soul was unique, and had a mixture of flavors. Death's taste buds dance after devouring souls. The tortured souls that were blended with a sweet, but bitter taste of the famous scarlet, blood, were Death's favorites; and Winefield was filled to the coast with it.

Questions were never answered.

The sun's crimson rays of light seeped through the cracks in the walls. They beamed with a small hope that perhaps, only perhaps, could everything be turned into something majestic.


"Has Hero awakened?", Max questioned, embracing Owen on his side, resting his chin on Owen's shoulder. The morning had been quite the soporific one, and Max needed something to amuse him.

"I don't believe so, Max.", Owen hesitated to ask his question. "Max?"

"Yes, Master?"

"May Hero and I call you Maxwell? That is your name after all."

Max shifted his eyes away, the blush on his face showing up clearly. It was his real name, however he hated it when people called him by his real name.

"You make it hard to decline, Master. Especially since if I did, Teresa would punish me.", Max answered, the blush fading. Owen chuckled softly, "You two get along very well."

Max sighed, but grinned slightly. It was true, at points they would get along quite well, the next minute they are about to kill each other. Teresa was an absolutely gorgeous puppet, but hard to control. That is why Max hadn't won her over yet; neither did he want to. He was only astounded by her pulchritude. Teresa's magnificent blue eye, and her piercing green eye easily caught anyone's attention.

However, Max had already won over Owen's heart, but not in that sense. By winning over Owen's heart, it means Owen cares deeply for Max. Max looked at Owen like a father, one he never had. A father who loved his son, willing to do anything for him. It gave Max the feeling that he would always be safe.

"I adore my Master.", Max mumbled, with a small smirk. Owen smiled, "I adore my dolls, and always will.", he whispered.

Teresa trotted in, yawning sleepily. Her dark hair stayed perfectly still as she skipped over to Owen and Max. She knew that sleep wasn't necessary when she had to finish her work. So much to do, but so little time. Owen planted a small kiss on Teresa's forehead before she clung to his side.

"My dolls adore me.", Owen smiled, stroking Max's and Teresa's hair. The world was still for a moment, and everything was perfect.

"Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting...", stuttered a weak voice, familiar to their ears. Owen slipped away from Max's and Teresa's grip turning his attention to Hero.

"Good morning, Hero my dear.", he said gesturing her to come closer. Hero inched ahead towards him. She had just noticed how much he towered over her, and that you could see only a bit of those honey colored eyes.

Hero felt Owen's lips brush against her forehead.

"G-Good morning, Owen.", Hero stammered backing away slowly. Owen showed a ginger smile at Hero.

Hero advanced towards the dining hall where Max had given her food not long ago. Her stomach longed for a slice of bread with butter melting on top.

The tables were still in dastardly conditions and unfortunately so were the fine china.

"Take a seat my dolls; I will prepare us a meal.", Owen declared sliding his sleeves up. His face was beautifully lit up. He looked eager to serve his dolls although he was their master.

Max pulled a chair out for Hero, and one for Teresa as well.

"I didn't think you were quite the gentleman type, hmm, Max?", Teresa remarked, buried her nails into the wood.

"Only for the beautiful.", Max answered flirtatiously winking at Teresa. Teresa rolled her eyes, and pursed her lips.

Hero smiled at Max, "You're progressing."

Max leaned back, "Call me, Maxwell." The blush was sinking in again. Hero nodded, "Alright Maxwell."

Owen set the loaf of bread ,along with some ham Jane had given them as a gift, on the table.


There was only the slightest of a chance that the hope Hero had earlier would grow.


Dreams hold the answer, but no one ever sleeps.

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