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Two ~

I watch them shuffle into the room and notice the last one that comes in is the guy who attempted to make conversation with me not moments before. As I take in a moment to actually look at him, I find he isn't half bad when it comes to the looks department- he's cute. They all are. But I should know better than anyone that cute looks do not equal cute personalities. Especially at this age.

I briefly look around and notice that everyone hasn't noticed the new arrivals. It's only when Miss Kim asks everyone to pay attention to the introductions that everyone's heads whip up. I count the 4 unfamiliar boys stood at the front and wait along with everyone else for them to speak.

"Hi everyone, I'm Kevin Gyres. I play the drums and yes, I do enjoy it." The first guy laughs with confidence, ever so slightly rocking on his heels, indicating to me that he isn't as confident as he may make himself out to be. I don't blame him- he did just transfer to a different school filled with rich snobs and they are currently all looking at him; gawping more like. I won't lie- he isn't the most unattractive being I've ever seen -and judging from the looks on the girls' faces in the room- far from it.

He has nice green eyes and full lips that turn up into a small smile with the occasional nervous twitch. Gyres seems to maintain a neat appearance in his skinny jeans, white t-shirt and brown hair turned up at the front which is sort of cute- also showing off his faint brush of freckles.


After the first introduction out of the way by Kevin, everyone's attention then turns to the guy next in line.

The brown-haired, brown-eyed guy raises his hand in a shy wave.

"Will Pine." And apparently that was it for him.

Now, the third guy looked a lot more confident and weirdly familiar.

Everyone watches as he leans forward and introduces himself as Michael Kane but 'we could call him Mike' and that's when I remembered that he was the person that tried to talk to me before when I was getting the gym keys.

Finally, we get to the last guy who has a different aura from the rest- he looks annoyed and closed off.

Great; one of those.

He looks up and starts to take in everyone's faces- one after another. I remind myself to look down, pretending to be uninterested (it's not exactly a lie) as his gaze turns to me and stops. I raise an eyebrow to myself, wondering why he has to continue looking at me- I'm not wearing a sign that says, "stare the crap out of me, would you?" That's when I decide to take a slow glance up to find the blank hazel eyes still on me, and I focus my gaze back at my book before actually bothering to look at the work in front of me.

Once our teacher realises that the guy wasn't going to introduce himself, she ushered them to take a seat at any available desk. They immediately walked to the ones farthest the back of the class. Of course, there had to be an empty desk behind mine, and of course rude, mystery guy had to sit there.

I huff and start to take notes, listening into the lesson and trying to shrug off the weird feeling of being watched.

An hour later the bell goes, signalling the end of lesson and our teacher calls out desperately to us as everyone starts to flood out the door and into the hallway.

"Please remember to get changed for gym class after lunch!" And with that, the classroom is left practically empty- save for me and the four new guys. Apparently, they like to take as much time as they need when packing up- same as me.

I turn around to grab my coat and bag that are comfortable hooked on my chair and in the process make brief eye contact with the rude newbie.

This small encounter doesn't slow me down, however, as I continue to sling my bag onto my back and hook my coat on my arm, walking out the door in silence.

As I am walking out, I hear the hurried footsteps of Jessica behind me, "Hey Mary! Wait up, would you? You walk so fast it's unbelievable!" I slow my steps, feeling flustered at the previous eye contact I made.

This isn't you, Mary. Snap out of it!

"You really do walk fast!" she puffs out, beside me now.

I give a little nod in appreciation and throw her a sneaky little grin, "Why thank you Jessica," which makes her laugh.

We make it to the lunch room in relative silence -well, on my part as Jessica was holding most of the conversation by herself- and we start to decide between ourselves what we feel like eating from the cafeteria today.

Soon I find myself with Jessica shouting into my ear her order because it was so loud that I could barely even think, never mind listen to another person talking to me. In the end I decided to get myself a chicken mayo and bacon baguette which is a massive weak spot for me; of course, nobody will ever know that about me! I grab a strawberry milkshake and a bottle of water, too. Strawberry milkshake -too- is a huge weak spot of mine.

After receiving our orders and paying, we take one look at each other and nod in understanding: outside we go.

I remember being told this morning by my father that the weather is going to be nice today and it really is! The sun is out and shining on all the students, making them squint. It's hot as well, making the footballer's practicing on the field a lot sweatier and redder in the face. I enjoy being outside when it's sunny like this, it's relaxing and very refreshing.

Jessica and I almost make it outside without being talked to. Almost.

As we are about to push through the glass doors to go out and join the other students enjoying the nice sunny weather when we hear someone shout for Jessica. On instinct, we both turn around to find who called out her name.

To my horror it's four boys- the four boys. My shoulders slump in annoyance and my face goes from 'friendly' to 'ice queen' in a heartbeat. I stare blankly at the four figures approaching us, as if I have never seen them before and have no idea who they are- of course, that's not exactly true.

"Jessica! Sorry about leaving before, one of the guys needed help with something, but I would love to accept your offer of showing us around. I think it will be great!" If I remember right, he was called Michael, but 'you can call me Mike!'.

"It's okay. Hey, do you guys want to eat with us?" she asks, glancing at me guiltily- she knows I can't stand talking to strangers, never mind eat with them. I give her an icy glare to which she shrugs off and turns her attention back to the four guys in front of us.

"'Us'?" Michael looks confused until he looks behind Jessica and sees me with an annoyed look on my face, "Ah, no it's okay. I think for today we will just hang around and stuff- another time, yeah?" He gives her an apologetic look and they say their goodbyes to which I turn and roll my eyes to myself.

Don't look at him. Don't look at him.

For some reason which I do not like, I really want to take a sneaky glance at Mr. Rude Boy, but I don't want to give him any sort of satisfaction.

I swear, Mary, if you do so much as look at him, I will swear to the heavens. Don't you even dare!

This is really starting to frustrate me. I don't know what this is, but I definitely don't like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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