Season 2

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I opened my eyes to searing pain which seemed to originate from every part of my body. I groaned and rolled over, ready to curl back up and go back to sleep.

Then I felt something cold on my back. I sat upright instantly and looked around. I had been laying on a metal bed with only a single, thin, brown blanket. I looked around the room. The walls were clear plastic. There wasn't a door. The bright lights glowed from every direction. I tried to punch the wall; the sound of my fist hitting it echoed throughout the room, but nothing broke.

The worst part? I had no idea where I was or how I got here.

I heard a buzz and a door opened. Greta walked in and was standing outside the plastic room I was in. I approached her. "Thank God. Greta, what's going on? What happened? Where am I?"

My questions seemed to take her aback. "Vienna, what are you talking about?"

"I don't know what's going on."

"That's what we intended. You don't get to know information about this situation," she replied.

"Greta, please. I don't know what happened."

"If you're trying to apologize, it's a little late for that." She wasn't smiling. She wasn't entertaining my rebellious nature. This was a side of Greta I had never seen before.

"Apologize?" I didn't know what she was talking about. "Greta, did I do something?"

She sighed. "If you just stop pretending, Vienna, we can make this go a lot smoother."

"Make what go smoother?" I questioned. "Greta, I'm not playing with you, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Vienna no one is going to buy that so if that's your strategy I would recommend coming up with something else. For the months you were gone, people realized we aren't as dependent on you as they thought so there's some people who won't be too keen to take you back at all."

I froze at a single word she said. "Months?" I repeated. My voice was small for what I said next. "Greta, what month is it?"


"No. No, that's not possible. Graduation just happened. I was there. Then I told Lana I would help her - where's Lana? I need to talk to her."

"That's not going to happen, and graduation was in May. A lot has happened since then."

"Like what?"

"Vienna, do you honestly not know?" she asked, suddenly seriously concerned.  "Do you not know what you did?"

"The last thing I remember is graduation. I don't have any memory of the last six months," I told her.

Her jaw dropped. "Are you telling me you don't remember killing Lana?"

Make Me: Season 2, coming soon

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