Chapter 6.4

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Ten minutes later I was sitting on top of the tallest building in the city, eating a plate of fries and sipping a cookies and cream milkshake. I heard something behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder - expecting to see a bird.

Instead, I saw Blair.

"What's going on?" I asked her. "Why haven't you talked to me? I need answers."

"Someone has been following me. Well, a whole bunch of different people. They were tailing me at home, so I had to get out. They tracked me to here."

"Why should I care about that?"

"Because I couldn't approach you until I ditched them. I think they're the same people who are after you."

"After me? What do you mean?"

"Everything is connected. The monarchy wants you to think we're the threat so you don't trust us. They're the ones who are behind all of your friends injuries."

"Why would they want that?"

"Because they know you can stop them."

"Stop them from what?"

"From what they've been doing the past six years! You should know that. They almost killed you."

"And they're after you for the exact same reasons?"

"I don't know why they were after you, but I know they are after me and Colin, and Martin, and Kendall and Karson. We tried to fight back, and we lost. We ran away and happened to end up in the same place as you. That can't be a coincidence! We can work together, and we can stop them."

"You want me to go back?"

"We need you to fight with us."

"I have my own battles here. I can't drop my life."

"Why not? You'll come back once the fight is done."

"But how long will that take? My friend is dying, my other friend was shot, as you should remember. You were there. You didn't do anything."

"I made sure no other cars went into the water!" Blair responded. "What did you expect me to do? Jump in front of a bullet? You're the one with speed."

"Why are you here, Blair?" I asked.

"I can help your friend. I can help her wake up, and I can trace whoever did this to her."

"With what? Lightning?"

Blair paused. "It's like an AED, but I can channel it better. Don't you remember? I've done it before."

I took a deep breath. "I don't remember that."

"You don't remember me saving your life?"

"I don't remember a lot of things, Blair. And I don't know why."

"Let me come with you. I couldn't do anything to help Theo, but I can help Lana. Please. Trust me like you used to."


We were poised outside headquarters, and I was waiting to make my move.

"Why can't you just run me in?" Blair asked me.

I shook my head. "They have sensors. It'll detect me and raise questions."

"Do they not know I'm coming?"

"I don't need the delay while they debate over it. It's easier this way. I get you in; you help Lana; we get out."

"What about security at the door?"

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