43. the one who never called back

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"Was that a baby?"
1 years later.

My eyes gazed Amsterdam from my floor while I sighed. It was supposed to be our three years today but the things didn't go how I wanted.

Today wasn't my day, my skin remembered her fingertips trailing on my body as she left sweet kisses on my neck making me want her more than ever. We broke up not too long after our two years actually. It was a sweet yet painful broke up.

One year ago: Toronto, Canada.

So you are telling me that you're going on a world tour next year?" She asked not looking at me.

"Yeah. I am." I answered not really know how to answer to that.

"Basically, you are leaving me while I told you..." She stopped. "Never mind, we need to stop." She said

I frowned. "What? But- Rachel, we don't need to." I told her grabbing her hands.

"But I need to." She said quietly. "I need to let you go because I'm holding you back here and It hurst me. Look, we fought so much lately and why?" She asked

"Because, I don't have time for you." I said to her as she nodded.

"See? What is going to happen if you're on tour?" She said as I shrugged. "I will be pissed, sad and a mess all of this because you left me!" She shook her head. "It's hurting me."

"But, we can work on that baby." I told her softly.

"I don't want to, Shawn. It's already hard for me and I don't want to cry at home while you're living your best life." She said. "I know this is really selfish but try to understand me." She added.

I groaned. "So, you're going to let me go? Just like that?" I asked to her as she nodded.

Her blue eyes staring over my shoulder while her hands begun to shake, even if I was mad at me and her...I grabbed her hands in attempt to calm her down.

"I love you Shawn but I need you to leave me." She said softly.

"One last night?" I asked softly, she looked up and bit her lips.

Her lips smashed on mine as I groaned at the impact. "One." She kissed them. "Last." She climbed on my lap. "Night." She told me as I grabbed her bottom and squeezed it.

"Let me make love to you, Rachel." I mumbled against her soft skin. "For hours and hours, then I'll leave."

She nodded as I kissed her neck leaving her speechless.


Knocks on my door made me snap out of my thoughts. I sighed and my feet made their way to the door.

Andrew looked at me. "Hey man. Wanna go out?" He asked even if he knew the answer.

"No, I will pass but have fun guys." I answered closing my door and jumped on my bed.

My phone in my hands as I scrolled down her pages, she didn't delete our photos together. Good thing, I guess? She looked flawless and more happier in her latest posts, maybe our break up was for the best?

My eyes locked on my wallpaper, her and me kissing at Christmas. My mind kept reminding what we did after the dinner and how much she was happy with me. I made my way into my recorder and looked for that song.

"Gosh, what am I doing?" I asked to myself as I pressed the button send.

"Shawn! It's Alessia can you open the door?" She asked softly.

I locked my phone and opened her the door. She gave me a quick hug and smiled. "Andrew told me that you were feeling a little bad so I thought that it would be great if we spend time together."

I smiled and let her in, Alessia was the nicest girl ever I didn't know if it was the fact that she was Canadian or it was just her personality. We spent the afternoon talking and laughing, it felt good.

We were watching a movie when my phone decided to move, I looked at the name and my heart skipped a little.

"Shawn?" Asked the voice that I loved and love so much.

"Rachel?" I whispered feeling like I could break down at any moment. Too vulnerable.

"Hey.." She whispered back, I was going to talk but I've been cut off my cries on the other side of the phone.

"What was that?" I asked, she sighed. "Was that a baby?"

She mumbled something and sighed. "Hey love, calm down." She said to the baby, I assumed. "Sorry Shawn, I cant talk right now I'll call you back." She said before hanging up.

She never called back and left me with a thousands of questions.

Also, hey I keep doing jumping in the time (do we say it like that?)

I UPDATED.!!!!!!!!!

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