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Jabez: you gotta make out with me

Lola: I ain't one of your hoes dumb ass

Jabez: yk you want to

Lola: nah I'm good (You laugh sarcastically)

Jabez: cmon. Only like 3 seconds

You get on top of him put one finger on his chin lifting it and get real close to him like your about to kiss him.

Lola: no (whispered closely)

Then you get off and walk away back to your room.

Jabez: wtf

You flip him off

Jabez POV
Wtf. All of the girls want me when I do that. Now I want her
End of POV

Your POV
I would've if he wasn't fucking friends with Sergio. If only Sergio knew the shit I would do for him
End of POV

You fall asleep easily now. You wake up earlier than usual and take a shower and get ready. Then you change into:

 Then you change into:

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Hair curled also. You go downstairs and finish your homework while your eating😂. Then Jabez sits down at the table

Lola: where Sergio (not looking up and writing quickly)

Jabez: getting ready

Lola: what time is it

Jabez: 7:05

Lola: SERGIOOO!! (You yell hella loud)

Jabez: damn. Make me deaf

Lola: boo hoo huh

Jabez smiles

Jabez: what is that?

Lola: homework

Jabez: kinda late for that

Lola: at least I'm doing it at home aren't I? (Still writing fast)

Jabez: ig. I wouldn't know. I never do it

Lola: mmm your one of those

Jabez: I'm one of what?

Lola: nun

Jabez: nah tell me

Lola: brag about your bad grades and bad attitude (looking up at him)

Jabez: am not

Lola: whatever you say. It's not cute tho hun

Jabez POV
Is that true? Am I
End of POV

Jabez: well at least I'm not doing my hw rn in the morning

Lola: well at least I did my homework (putting your papers in your backpack)

Jabez: well-

Lola: cmon are you coming (walking out the door). And tell sergio imma leave his ass if he don't hurry up

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