What happened ?! prt 2

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Yandere! Chat Noir x Reader

This is dedicated to


Reader's POV

I slowly opened my eyes from drifting off after I was kidnapped by Chat Noir. Wait!... Why am I acting like this is a daily occurrence of people dying and being kidnapped?.
I shot up from my laying position on what seems to be a bed, but who's bed is the real question.

I looked around for a bit and then I analyzed the room to see that it was Adrian's room. Why am I in his room,on his bed when I was kidnapped by a surely crazy Chat Noir? Was it a contract kidnap or was this a joke? Maybe Nino wasn't dead and that was a doll used to play this sick twisted prank.

"Adrien...are you here?, tell me this is a really sick and twisted prank, and that Nino is not dead?" I pleaded to an empty room with my voice now shaking in fear.

"Don't utter his name from your lips...that is just pure torture to them having to say such a name..."Came the very distinctive of Adrian laced with hate and disgust from the corner of the room. I turned and looked directly at him with pure fear and tears in my eyes.

"Aid...that's your friend, your best friend,our best friend... Why would you say that?" I cried pitifully with red rimmed eyes and my (S\C) nose almost a blood red color because of my obnoxiously loud crying.

"He was no longer my best friend the moment he touched what was mine..." He said trying to push the topic of Nino being his best friend aside.

"what do you mean no longer?"I said hoping that my thoughts that I collecting of Adrian being Chat Noir and killing Nino our Best friend just like that.

"I did what had to be done..." He trailed off looking me in the eyes with his now crazy looking green ones.

" Tell me what I'm thinking is wrong, tell me you didn't kill Nino !" I screamed the last part of my sentence trying not to believe the statement he uttered.

He looked me dead in the eyes and then smiled creepily and started slowly walking towards the bed, the way a predator would to its prey. He looked almost cat like in his actions, like a cheetah slowly stalking a gazelle. This made my stomach turn and bubble uneasily with fear and adrenaline.

"Yes (Y/N), your thinking right I killed Nino... I ripped his arms right out the sockets and then I clocked him right in head and left him to bleed out " he said staring me right in the eyes now directly in front of the bed.

I slowly started going back in fear of him hurting me in some way. He crawled up the bed slowly and then raised his hand, I instantly flinched and covered my face with both hands. I felt no impact so I slowly placed my hands down and looked at him. His faces was scrunched up in an angry expression then he looked at his hand then to at me. All of a sudden I felt a strike against my cheek, Adrien hit me.

" I would never hurt you but you don't trust me do you (Y/N), that's why I'm gonna make sure you never get trust someone again" he said smiling crazily all of a sudden he transformed into Chat Noir. His transformation was beautiful and I was mesmerized and I didn't hear when he called out Cataclysm.

"Now dear (Y/N), just close your eyes ok ?, it will all be over soon"he said in a sing sing way.

Next thing you knew I was slowly disintegrating while starting at Adrien in pure agony


A/N: sorry it ended this way guys and I know you guys have been patiently waiting for this I still have more to write though, I didn't have a proper phone so I couldn't really type out my stories plus Wattpad wasn't working on the other phone so update as an apology 😅‼️

chat noir x reader (lemon)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now