The Movies sounds fun

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This is just a bit of fluff for @Bp2kGb
Marrenett is your best friend since kindergarten and Alya is your best friend too.

Adrien x Reader
Reader's POV

Mari,Aly and I were talking about Ladybug and Chat Noir like the usual. Then all of a sudden we hear Chloe repeating the same story about meeting Chat Noir for the fifth time today and I was getting annoyed.

"Easy girl, you can't hit her you would be sued in twenty minutes flat" Alya said putting her hand on my shoulders sensing my undying hatred for Chloe ever since she started picking on Mari.

" Not to mention you would be suspended for hitting her, it's not worth (Y/N)" Mari said smiling softly trying to talk sense into our conversation with her being the voice of reason in our friendship.

Meanwhile Chloe was still blabbering on about meeting one of Paris' Heroes and how dreamy he is, Adrien walked into the room with his best friend Nino. He is so cute and so out of my league but I so want him.

"(Y/N)....(Y/N)!" Yelled Alya staring at me with a smirk and Mari was laughing at us.

"Yeah...uhh...uhm...sup Aly" I said snapping out of Adrien daze that I would so not mind staying in.

"Your drool is causing a slip and slide in the hallway" she laughed pointing at my chin.

"I am not droo- Shut up!" I said feeling a bit of drool on the side of my lips. I scowled in a petty way trying to hide a smile.

Mari then looks at me and says" Just ask to him out already, your getting weirder by the days".

I rolled my eyes thinking back to the days when Mari would drool over Adrien with me but now she's with Luca. I wish I could say I miss those days but I sure as hell don't, now I have Adrien to myself, well as much as to myself is Chloe dangling off his arm.

I sighed and tried to say he's not interested but someone beat me to it "(Y/N), can I uhm... talk to you ?" Some one asked tapping me on the shoulder.

I turned to see HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GRACE , Adrien wants to talk to me like talk words into phrases into sentences to me.

I froze up just blinking and staring while tapping like a fish out of water. " She would love to talk to you Adrien" said Alya and Mari in sync pushing me closer to him then walking away waving.

"Hi..." I said awkwardly. Hi, just Hi is all you have to say for your self (Y/N) that's it! I can not believe I just said Hi.

" Hey...I uhhh...would you like to go on a date with me ?" He asked rubbing his name smiling down at the floor shyly.

"Awww, that is so adorable..."

Did I just say that out loud? Tell me I didn't just call Adrien adorable out loud.

"Uhh...I mean yeah I would love to go out with you..." I said trailing off at the end.

"I'll uhm pick you up at 7 today" he said blushing at what I said before still not looking at me directly.

"Yeah...7 sounds good" I said a blush forming on my cheeks as my eyes widen from seeing Adrien blush at something I said.

Then to ruin our little moment Chloe cane and grabbed him by the arm and said "Adrien what are you doing over here silly I was telling a story about how I met Chat Noir".

" You were, I didn't know I was just talking to (Y/N) about-" " Cone over here let me tell you exactly what happened" she cut him off and dragged him away now making me furious and wanting to twist her head off like a cork screw.

chat noir x reader (lemon)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now