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That's all Virgil Black felt as he stared up at the school in front of him. He had just moved to Florida and had to transfer schools, making him as anxious as ever. He had so much to do. Deal with new people, stay away from bullies, catch up in classes, meet the teachers. It was too much. Especially since it was the middle of the school year.

Virgil shook his head to clear his mind and took a deep breath. He can do this. He braced himself before walking into the building. The hallways were mostly empty, for he had gotten there early to avoid the crowds. He walked through the halls, staring down at his schedule before something slammed into him, leaving him laying on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Are you okay?"

Virgil looked up to see a small male student with curly hair and round glasses. He was wearing a blue polo with a cardigan tied around his shoulders. *Just like a dad.* Virgil thought as he picked himself up. The dad-like person spoke again,

"I am so sorry I bumped into you! I wasn't looking where I was goin- Wait a minute.. are you new here?" Virgil was shocked to see an excited smile on the person's face. Nobody was ever excited to see him.

"Uh, yeah.. I am.." Virgil rubbed his arm while the unknown person squealed.

"We're gonna be great friends! I'm Patton Smith!" Patton stuck out his hand to Virgil. Virgil hesitantly shook it, mumbling his own introduction, "Virgil Black."

"Nice to meet you! Come on, I'll show you around!" Patton grabbed Virgil's arm, pulling him around the school on a tour while Patton practically bounced the whole time. Virgil resisted the urge to hiss at the unwanted contact. Patton was way too cheery and loud for him. He hid himself in his hood, looking for somewhere to escape when two other students approached them. One had glasses like Patton, but his were more squared. He wore a black polo and blue tie, and Virgil wouldn't have been surprised if he aced all his classes. The second student was taller, with a letterman jacket and a theatre shirt underneath of it. He walked way too confidently, and seemed full of himself. Virgil knew immediately that they wouldn't get along.

"What's up Padre?" The taller one called, wearing a broad smile as he came over to Virgil and Patton.

"The sky!" Patton giggles, and Virgil saw the nerd roll his eyes. "I'm showing the new kid around the school!" The tall one leans down and gets a better look at Virgil,

"You are literally an emo nightmare." Roman makes a face. Virgil growled a bit,

"You're just jealous of me." He crosses his arms. Patton nervously chuckles,

"Now kiddos, don't fight. Virgil, this is Roman," He gestures to the tall one in front of Virgil. "And this is Logan!" Patton gestures to the student in the tie.

"Great." Virgil says, walking away as the bell for class rang.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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