Chapter Thirty Two

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Although she'd slept soundly curled in his arms, the few hours sleep were going to be hard to work on. She sighed seeing the time on the clock before her knowing that she didn't have long before she really would have to get up.  Releasing a deep breath, she couldn't remember a time when she felt so content. Placing her hand atop Jacob's she felt his hand turn to hold onto hers, lacing her fingers through his.

Laying her head back she felt the warmth of his chest. Glancing back she saw him desperately trying to ignore the fact he knew she was awake and would need to leave soon. A small smirk crossed her face before she allowed herself a final few minutes with him. She was pulled from the silence as her phone vibrated from the bedside table. Groaning she reached forwards to see several messages and emails flooding her screen. Rolling her eyes she sat herself up yawning as she felt the tiredness hit her already.

Looking behind her she noticed Jacob had curled up and pulled the pillow towards him. Deciding to leave him she knew she'd be able to get herself ready without any disruption. She quickly showered and dried her hair in the bathroom before beginning to apply her makeup. Turning her wrist over she noticed the time and knew if she wasn't quick she was going to be late. Throwing her dressing gown on, she started to brush her teeth before hearing movement from the other room.

Running a hand through her hair she rushed out into the bedroom shaking her head as she looked to Jacob spread out in the middle of the bed. "Some things never change." Jacob groaned as Connie bent down picking things up from the floor before stuffing them onto the small table. Kneeling onto the bed she ran a hand up his chest before cupping his cheek. Leaning down she kissed him gently before feeling one of his hands rest against her bare thigh. "I've got about 5 minutes before I'm late, you gonna be okay here today?" "Do you have to go? Couldn't you just stay in bed all day?"

Connie scoffed throwing her hair over her shoulder as Jacob pushed the silk material from her shoulder. Pulling it back together Connie spun herself around and stood up. "You wish muscles..." She had her back to the bed picking up her dress before a pair of tight muscular arms enveloped her. She felt his hot breath blowing across her neck as she inhaled deeply leaning into him trying to fight the urge to do as he said. "Here's me thinking you wouldn't be able to resist-" "Clearly you don't remember me too well."

She turned in his arms looking up at him with a sly grin. "Oh I remember, I think it's you who might have forgotten how persuasive I could be." He winked as she pushed his arms away from her taking off the dressing gown and sliding on her dress. "I shouldn't be too late today, besides I know what I'm coming home to." She looked at him across the room as he put on one of his shirts. "Tell me you get a lunch break here-" "Well I get one, but who's to say I actuallt take it?"

Jacob followed her into the hallway as she picked up her keys turning round as she reached the door. "Well today you do. I'll come by and take you out-" "You don't have to do that." "You think I'm not going to when I finally have you back?" Shaking her head she let him embrace her before feeling his lips push to hers eagerly. She tried holding her compsure before a moan esacped her lips feeling his hands hold onto her waist. "I really do need to go now, I'll text you an address for lunch." Jacob nodded watching as he let her walk out of the apartment.

Releasing a long breath, he wasn't sure what he had expected when he arrived here. To be honest he hadn't thought much past getting here. Glancing round the apartment he noticed how minimal it was, as though someone had been here a week or two at most. There was nothing here that told you anything about the person living there, it was as though she didn't want to make it feel like home. Jacob crossed back into the bedroom opening the curtains and putting the few things away that Connie had shoved onto the table earlier that morning.

He pottered around her apartment for a few hours, going from lying on the bed to sitting on the sfoa infront of the TV. But there was only so much rubbish television he could take. He wasn't used to the sitting around, especially after the few months of missing Connie he had been working every moment he could. Giving up, he grabbed his jacket and headed out of the apartment out onto the street. He smiled to an older lady that watched him from a garden. Walking down the road he looked down to the river as he roamed the foreign city.

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