Chapter Thirty Five

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"Are you sure you're okay with me coming in with you? I mean I know I want to see where you work but don't feel like you have to do this." Connie shrugged as she crossed the car park with Jacob. "It'll be nice to see your face where I work after so long... Besides, I'm sure having you around will make a few other people back off for a day." He smirked as they stepped inside the hospital heading up the her department.

It was as though as soon as she stepped onto the ward, the fire within her was ignited. The passion and drive for this job she had was there, even if she thought it wasn't some days. Jacob walked with her along the corridors that reminded him somewhat of places upstairs in Holby. They walked around for a while before coming back to a stop in the main reception area of the department where they bumped into several people he had already met. "So that's pretty much it..." "Seems nice, I mean not as good as Holby obviously."

Connie rolled her eyes as she pushed the door open to her office letting him inside. "No lock... Definitely not as good as Holby." She laughed as she took a seat behind her desk while Jacob sat in the chair opposite her. "The project still moving on okay?" "Yeah, I mean we've hit so many walls that I'm amazed it's still going to be honest with you." "I didn't doubt you for a moment sweet cheeks, you're a force to be reckoned with when you're on a mission." She smiled gently as she picked up a few files. "So did Charlie know you were coming out here? Of course he did..." She didn't really wait for too much of a response from him, she could answer her own question seeing as he was the only one who really knew where she was.

They began to chat while Connie worked through the paperwork, something about it making her feel at home. There had been so many times where she'd be filling out documents while Jacob sat and just kept her company. They were interrupted as the door swung open with Andrew storming inside, Connie ready to complain before noticing Alice trailing behind. Jacob was instantly on his feet as was she, Andrew not looking happy about being there before noticing someone he didn't recognise in the office.

This other man hadn't said anything as of yet and Jacob had already decided he didn't like him. He looked him up and down deciding there was nothing special about him. Jacob could feel the anger seething within him as though he could read Andrew's mind as he looked at him. "And this is?" "I'm Connie's boyfriend. Is there an issue?" Jacob automatically responded before Connie had any opportunity to. Something lifted within her at his words as she also saw Andrew's response to his words before she remembered what was happening. Alice had to try and hide a smirk despite what seemed to be going on.

"What is it you want exactly?" Jacob stepped to the side returning to his seat but not letting his eyes move from the other man. "There's been a complaint made against Dr Connors, and no it cannot wait." She gritted her teeth taking the various pieces of paper he shoved towards her. Refusing to read through any of these, she could make her own mind up on the situation. Putting it down on the desk she looked towards Alice who looked a deathly pale colour. "I'd like to investigate this myself-" "I've already done so-" "And this is my department and MY staff. I will look into this, so if you wouldn't mind getting out of my office." Andrew watched disgruntled and annoyed before glaring at Alice as he walked back past her out of the room.

"Any chance you could give us some space?" "Course sweet cheeks, I'll find my way back and see you when you get home." Connie nodded as Jacob closed the space between them placing a quick kiss to her lips. "See you later..." Jacob nodded as he placed a friendly hand to Alice's shoulder before leaving them alone. As soon as the door closed, Alice sighed ready to have strips torn off her by Connie. "What's happened?" Her voice came out a lot softer than she had anticipated it to be as Connie moved to sit down on the sofa, ushering Alice to sit with her. "It isn't a patient complaint, it's staff... Alex is accusing me of harassment." "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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