House of Return/House of Surprise

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No KT or Willow!

There Nina Martin stood in the front of Anubis House, her old home. Eddie told her that he wasn't the Osirian anymore so she could come back. He also told her about Mara and Fabian. She gulped. "You're fine with it, Martin. You told him to move on."

She shook her hands out of fear.

She almost walked into Anubis House. She turned straight back around. "You are not fine with this, Nina." She sighed. "Why didn't he wait?"

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Nina!" Nina heard someone scream. She's tackled to the ground, and saw a flash of blonde hair, and a pink suitcase. "Amber!" Nina squealed.

"You're back!" They exclaimed. They were both asking so many questions. Then Nina asked, "You wanna surprise them?"


"Look," Nina started as she took out her phone. "I'm going to video call Patricia."


Patricia was in her room, listening to Sick Puppies, when her phone began ringing.

It said: Video Chat Request, Nina Martin

"What happened to no contact?" She asked herself. Patricia answered the call. "Hey, Patricia." Nina greeted. "Hey, Nina! You have no idea how happy I am to see you! How have you been?" She yelled.

"Shhh! Okay, so Eddie told me he wasn't the Osirian anymore...guess where I am right now. Does this setting look familiar to you? Oh, and do you remember a blonde that went here? Ambs, say hi to Patricia."

Amber appeared on the screen. "Hey, Patricia! I missed you! Fashion school was fantastic!"

"Oh, Amber! Ok, now it looks familiar-- You're outside!" Patricia figured out.

"Yup, now we need you to go downstairs, and pretend you never spoke to us today." Nina says.

"Okay, I can't wait to see you guys again." Patricia smiled.

Patricia strolled down the stairs casually, entering the common room. She had a giddy smile on her face.


"I can't wait to see Alfie again!" Amber squealed. "I wonder what's changed with everyone."

"Amber, it's a year into college, and two years since we've seen each other. Pretty sure a lot has changed." Nina chuckled. Amber's blonde hair is a little bit longer, and Nina's hair was medium-er and darker.

They entered the common room. Once they did, everyone fell silent. "Well Eddie, don't you want to give your little sister hug?" Nina asked. "Yeah, I do." Eddie said, chuckling. They hugged. "What?" All of them gasped.

"When I was in America, I was searching through some boxes, and I found my birth certificate. That's when I found out that my parents weren't my parents. My parents are Eddie's parents, which makes me and him—" Eddie cut Nina off.

"—brother and sister! Then, we talked to Mr. Sweet, and found out everything."

"How Dad found out that the Osirian and the Chosen One had to be kept apart, so he gave me up for adoption. I was sent to live with my adoptive parents, and you guys know Eddie's story." Nina explained.

Everyone gave Nina and Amber a welcome back hug.


"Can you believe that Nina's back?" Mara asked as her and Fabian sit on the couch together.

"No, I can't. She said she would never come back." Fabian responded.

Mara faced Fabian. "Not trying to sound like a jealous girlfriend, but, do you still have f-" Mara cut herself off. "Do you still love her?"

"Mara, I won't lie to you. I will always love Nina. But that's not important right now. And I don't want things to get complicated. " He kissed her cheek. "I'm going to go to bed." He said.

Fabian got up and went to his room.

He found the letter Nina gave him. He sighed, and ran his hands through his hair.


Well, that was my first chapter! Don't worry, things may get a little bit more juicy in the next chapters! Anyways,


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