Chapter 1

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   She walks the busy corridors with her head hung low. People pass her but none seem to take notice of her. "Oh my gosh I still can't believe that I slept with Brock last night it was sooo amaizing" Winter hears, as she passes by the two girls whispering, tiffany and Melissa. They do not take notice of how close Winter is to them, people never do. She could be in front of them staring and they wouldn't care to even acknowledge her. Winter often ponders if she is in fact invisible.

   As Winter turns the corner of what seems a endless corridor, she begins to think about the meaning of her life. She cant seem to find a reason as to why she continues to live. Even though she is from a prestigious family, Winter's life has not been a bed of roses. 

  Winter is a only child whose mother died at childbirth. She is the heir to the Bercus empire, a multi billion buisness industry. Her only known relative is her father, Marc Bercus. One may wonder why Winter carries a different last name than her father, well thats simple, it's because he disowned her.

  Marc was already vexed with the child for taking away his beloved wife, but the wife's dying words 'do not blame our child, do not let her be harmed... *coughs* she shall be called Winter for this is indeed a very cold day... (takes really deep breath) I will always be with you my love.' Those words were what had made him keep her, even though he didn't like it one bit.

  Its not that he hated her, no he didn't hate her one bit, he couldn't. How could he hate what their love for each other had created. She was his one and only child. Maybe he did resent her for taking his beloved's life, but wasn't so wicked as to throw her away.

  However as the years past, the more she grew, the more she started to look like her, the less he showed her the love a parent should. He just couldn't stand it, he knew that she would grow and look exactly as his wife did. He was sure of it.

  At the time Winter was 6 he thought to himself she looked just like her mom did when she was 6. He knew his wife from she was four and he was ten. They were engaged from that age, it was his family tradition that the heir be engaged from 10. He grew to love her and her oh so sweet innocence.

  On Winter's seventh birthday she put on a childhood dress that her mother kept, it use to be a favorite of hers. Winter looked exactly as she did in it, she looked gorgeous.

  When Marc saw her he just flipped. Marc dragged her to her room and demanded that she take it off. Winter being stubborn refused to remove piece of the mother she didn't get the chance to know for herself. Marc didn't take her stubbornness well. He began cursing and swearing at the poor child, who was throwing tantrums, screaming at the top of her lungs. She finally stop when he slapped her, hard. Winter fell to the floor, blood oozing from her cheek. In  shock she sat trembling unable to move.

  Marc then continued to say the words that Winter will never forget, the words that made her, in her mind, orphan. The words that disowned her. 'You are no child of mine, I despise you, I wish you wern't born, you are the misery in my life, you are not Winter Bercus; as of this day for I have no child. You will continue to live under my care for I promised my love to protect you, but once you are 18 I want you out of my sight.

  With that statement he left her room. The harsh cruel pain, poor six year old Winter must have felt. Oh the weight of those words must have silenced her. She never uttered another word, even till this day.

  With each day Winter's despise for her father grew and just as he had disowned her, she disowned him. She decided that she would take her mom's maiden name as her own. Even though she could not legally; her father disagreed and refused to let her do it, only God knows why. Winter knew in her heart, soul and mind she was not a Bercus. She made it a mission, that it would be the first thing she does, when she is legally privileged to.

  Winter enters her classroom 3a. Several students are seated amongst their friends chatting as they usually do, not noticing her usual timely entry to the class. Winter goes to her seat, at the dark corner in the back of the room. She takes her seat and puts her head on the desk. Every school day is the same for her, every week is the same for her. Nothing changes in her dull boring life and thats how she will die dull and boring, she thinks. She won't even have a dull and boring funeral, because there will be no one to attend. 'I won't even have the privileged of a grave, what have I done to deserve it' 'what have you done not to' says her inner, inner voice. 'I will be reduced to boring ashes, forgotten and unknown to all.' 'What have you done to be remembered.' 'It's not my fault that I was born like this' but it's your fault for not changing it.' 'I dont care what you say your not important' 'your wrong you do, you have to ; I am your voice. The voice you never listen to, the voice you ignore, the voice that you don't, you won't acknowledge. This is why people do not acknowledge you, why they ignore you. I am you your voice use me...'

  "Shut up!" Shouts Winter raising her head off the desk, in the middle of her last class for the day, History. Everyone turns to see who that came from. No one disrespected the History teacher, ever. Mr.Mintwood is the strickest teacher at the high school. No one dared to even utter a word in his class unless asked to, much less bark at him to shut up. Winter is shocked beyond words, she has never said a word in over 10 years much less shout one. Mr. Mintwood on the other hand is furious, he has never been spoken to that way by a child much less a female one at that.

  He slowly walks up to her desk, his face red with fury. "Who do you think you are talking to? It can't be me young lady!" He shouts with each word louder than the one before. Students wonder who this person is they talk in hushed whispers 'who is that hooded freak' 'beats me never seen it in my life,' overhears Winter.

"I am sorry I don't" whispers Winter so low it's as if she has no voice. "Whats this, your voice is now gone. Thats what happen when insolent little women like you dont know their place!" Winter flinches at his voice. "Remove that scrawny thing from off your head and get out of my class this instant, go home and find your manners you obviously left it there! don't forget to stop by the principal's office on your way." Winter scurries from her seat and exits the classroom. With her heart beating 100 miles per hour, she walks trembling to the principals office. She can't register what just happened a while ago, she was noticed. It only lasted a moment, it was not in the best circumstances, but never the less she was noticed. Oh the horrow she was feeling at the moment, but was it fear or was it the excitement she longed for.

  Winter boycotts the principals office and makes her way out the front doors of her school. She walks and walks until she is at the stoplight, she makes her way to the sidewalk and starts crossing for she see's that the light is red. Halfway through crossing the light changes to green, she haults and stares at it. She hears the sound of a horn, the skidding of car tires only to look to her left and find a lamborghini aventador awkwardly parked? in the middle of the road. 'that wasn't there a minute ago, it can't be parking, it's the middle of the road for crying out loud, tell you about rich people they think they own everywhere' 'your one of them remember' 'no I am not, hey! you don't speak to me, you got me into enough trouble already.' "hey you weird thing I am talking to you, don't ignore me!" Shouts a angry male flashing his hand in front of Winters face. She finally takes notice of him and is fascinated by his rare, exotic, beauty.

  She began to study him from head to toe. His mid-back, jet black, hair looked so soft and silky, she could run her hands through it all day. Her eyes traveled down his face, his cleanly shaven face, just the way she liked it. His thin pink lips looked so kissable, oh how they'd make her feel. He had a nice aquiline nose and his eyes, his beautiful dark grey eyes could hold her gaze for the rest of eternity. His well toned arms and broad chest looked warm and inviting, she began to wonder what it would be like to cuddle in it. His lean body towered above her, she is five, ten and he made her feel small. She looks up at him, only to see him looking back at her. As her dream guy stares her in the face, she thinks how she never wanted anyone in her life before, but now she wanted him.'is this love at first sight?' she thought.


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