The Twilight Walk.

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Author's Note. I have decided to upload this here, because I am making quick progress on the story, and will eventually be releasing the entire thing. People really seem to like it, so I hope you do as well.

Please.  Remember to vote on chapters if you like my story, as it tells other readers of its quality and helps more people see my work.  Thank you kindly.

Cover image commissioned and drawn by NamelessHiredArtist.

Please go and view their art and commission them.  They have incredible talent, and I was lucky to have them draw anything for me.

"It is strange how I came here for her. At first, I didn't realize it, but then it dawned on me that I needed her. I feel my broken heart sinking inside of me, and I just wish it could go back to the way it used to be before I came to Mewni." Marco thought as he lay on his bed in the castle. His eyes were staring up at the ceiling in the cold darkness.

Ever since that day on the beach when he had his revelation he couldn't keep his mind off of it. Star's delicate lips pressed against Tom's in their place on the sand. He could feel rage and sadness every time the image played itself out inside of his mind.

"Why did I have to be so stupid?" Marco said out loud to himself and drew the strings on his hoodie so that it shrank down around his head and part of his face.

He now felt that coming here was a mistake and that he had destroyed his chances of happiness with Jackie entirely by doing so. All those years of being in love with her and wishing to be with her were now gone.

"Rrr" Marco made an angry sound and then grabbed his pillow and shoved it over his face. Was he going to cry? He sure felt like it was coming.

"No... I just, you need to stay cool Marco." He told himself and took in a deep gasp of air. He couldn't take this any longer; he needed to clear these negative, painful thoughts from his mind.

He rose from the bed thrusting his hood off and made his way through the dark room towards his bedroom door. The light of Mewni's moons shining through the windows lighting his way to his destination. It might have been a bit late, but he couldn't concern himself with such things.

He reached out his hand and placed it on the handle of the door and with one swift pull it came open. Marco immediately jumped the moment he saw the other side of the door. There, through the darkness, was somebody standing right before him.

"Ahh!" Marco shouted pathetically but was immediately met with a "Shhhhhh!"

He squinted his eyes, and with the help of the pale moonlight, he could see that it was Kelly standing before him. His mind briefly wandered back to the soulrise, and how she had wished him a happy birthday, something that even Star herself failed to do.

"Do you want to wake up everyone?" Kelly asked in a whisper.

Marco searched his thoughts and couldn't come up with a single reason Kelly would have to visit him at half past midnight.

"Kelly? I... What are you doing here? I thought you'd be busy at Star's slumber party?" He thought for sure that she would be preoccupied with that even at this hour.

"I, everyone fell asleep, but I just couldn't. I honestly was expecting you to come hang out with us, but you never showed up." Kelly sounded somewhat disappointed, and Marco could feel a slight bit of guilt. He usually frequented Star's slumber parties; tonight just wasn't the night for him.

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